Cato Journal
vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring/Summer), 1992, pp. 165-178
The Limits of Macroeconomics
Roger W. Garrison
I. Introduction
There is no disillusionment in learning that any field of study or any
subfield, such as macroeconomics, has its limits. No set of ideas is limitless
in any meaningful sense. Yet, the notion of limits attaches itself naturally
to macroeconomics, as in the title phrase, in a way that would seem almost
unnatural if paraphrased for microeconomics. Modern macroeconomics is constantly
reaching in one direction for its microeconomic roots and in the other
direction for its policy relevance. Pronouncements by contemporary macrotheorists
together with the track record of contemporary policymakers are enough
to make us doubt that macroeconomics can reach roots and relevance at the
same time.
Shiela Dow [1985, p. 225]
suggests that a fundamental difference between New Classicism, which she
includes in her treatment of mainstream views, and Post Keynesianism, which
she favors over the mainstream, is that the New Classicists allow their
micro-based theory to delimit their policy prescriptions while the Post
Keynesians allow policy relevance to guide their theoretical formulations.
If we accept Dow's characterization, we can take the gulf that separates
these two schools as a measure of the difficulties faced by macroeconomists
in search of a theory that is both theoretically sound and policy rich.
And these difficulties can be multiplied in accordance with the title of
a recent book by Edmund Phelps, Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought
[1990], which suggests a divergence of views rather than a convergence
in the field of macroeconomics.
Somewhere between microeconomic
principles and macroeconomic phenomenon lies a market process whose complexity
imposes strict limits on macroeconomic theory�and even stricter limits
on macroeconomic policy. Section II deals with this complexity by drawing
on pre-Keynesian treatments of capital theory and suggests that considerations
of the economy's capital structure allow for the most forthright and insightful
integration of the critical time element into macroeconomic theorizing.
Section III argues that capital-free treatments of time in mainstream macroeconomics
can be seen as indirect and inadequate ways of coping with the thorny issues
of capital theory. In Section IV the limits of macroeconomics are identified
in terms of entrepreneurial expectations in the context of a complex capital
structure. Finally, Section V considers the nature of the limits of macroeconomics
and the implications for policy activism, institutional reform, and theoretical
II. Capital Theory: It's About Time
Except for the Austrian school and some sectors of the Swedish and early
Neoclassical schools, the contending macroeconomic theories are united
by a common omission. They neglect to deal with capital or, more pointedly,
the economy's intertemporal capital structure, in any straightforward and
satisfactory way. Yet capital theory offers the richest and most promising
forum for the treatment of the critical time element in macroeconomics.
It is capital, according to an early English view, that puts a time interval
between the beginning and end of enterprise [Jevons, 1970, pp. 226]. In
the Swedish construction, capital embodies the tying-up of resources over
time and is measured (in compound units of dollar-years) as the "waiting"
done by the owners of capital [Cassel, 1903, pp. 96ff]. The Austrians dealt
with this same time element in terms of the "degree of roundaboutness"
that characterizes the economy's production process [Böhm-Bawerk,
v. 2, pp. 79-88 and passim]. Each of these three formulations has
served as a basis for theorizing about capital and could serve as a guide
for devising a capital-based macroeconomics.
But capital considerations,
to the extent they are accommodated at all in modern macroeconomics, are
not well anchored in any of these early insights that link capital to time.
In conventional income-expenditure analysis, enterprise has a beginning
an end but not both. The existing structure of capital, summarily treated
as the economy's capital stock, is taken as a given, an end of some process
of accumulation whose beginnings are no part of the theory. Additions to
the capital stock, investments, have only a beginning. Inspired by Keynes's
animal spirits or by some other similarly unexplained state of business
confidence or profit expectations, current investment activity must eventually
come to some end, but that end comes into view only in theories of economic
growth, not in macroeconomics per se. The relationships among macroeconomic
magnitudes in the context of beginningless capital and endless investment
do not adequately reflect the time element in macroeconomics.
Capital in mainstream macroeconomics
is neither marked by beginning and end nor conceived as Casselian "waiting."
Theoretical constructions in which investment is simply one of several
categories of spending do not allow for the two-dimensional measure suggested
by Cassel. Spending by consumers, investors, and the government during
a given accounting period is measured in dollars and not dollar-years.
And if net investment is to be added to the existing capital, then capital
too must be measured simply in dollars. A time dimension cannot be accorded
capital and investment without destroying their conformability with the
other spending magnitudes. But if, in the same theoretical construction,
the rate of interest is conceived as the price of capital, an internal
inconsistency is introduced. Dimensional conformability requires that the
interest rate must be the "price" of something measured in dollar-years.(1)
The common practice of glossing over such difficulties in capital theory
by not explicitly assigning dimensions to capital was noted early on by
Joan Robinson [1953, p. 47]. Flagging such dimensional difficulties here
is not intended, as Robinson would have had it, as a prelude to a wholesale
dismissal of Neoclassical production theory but rather as further justification
for maintaining an explicit time dimension in the concepts of capital and
investment�and particularly in the treatment of the economy's capital structure
as incorporated into macroeconomics.
The Austrian concept of
"roundaboutness" is typically conceived as an average period of production
and is expressed simply in years. It is the time dimension distilled from
the dimensionally complex concept of "waiting." If roundaboutness has been
averaged over a total capital value, then there is a corresponding total
roundaboutness that is conceptually equivalent to Casselian waiting. But
roundaboutness, like waiting, plays no role in mainstream macroeconomics.
It has been rejected on two grounds. One is an argument, initially made
by John B. Clark [1924] and later defended by Frank Knight [1934], that
in an ongoing economy, production and consumption are, in effect, simultaneous
and that accordingly roundaboutness, if at all definable, is irrelevant.
The other is the demonstration, implicit in the work of Piero Sraffa [1960]
and explicit in a key article by Paul Samuelson [1966], that there is an
inherent difficulty in ranking production processes either on the basis
of capital intensity or on the basis of the (average) roundaboutness associated
with each. The first claim that production time is irrelevant lacks plausibility;
the second claim that roundaboutness, which has both a value dimension
and a time dimension, is uniquely related to neither of the two separate
dimensions is not in doubt. Nor is it in doubt, for that matter, that the
inverse relationship, emphasized by the Austrian economists, between roundaboutness
and the interest rate is clouded by the definitional dependence
of roundaboutness on capital value and hence on the rate of interest. But
neither Knight nor Samuelson�nor anyone else�has provided adequate grounds
for ignoring or downplaying the admittedly complex time element embodied
in capital and investment.
The fact that conventional
macroeconomics does not incorporate a capital structure or a time element
in any fundamental way has telling consequences in terms of possible directions
for development of macroeconomic theory and provides a basis for identifying
and evaluating different schools of macroeconomic thought. If the economy's
capital structure is not an integral part of the theoretical construction,
then the market mechanisms that create and maintain that structure can
be treated only in some summary or fragmentary fashion. A casual survey
of macroeconomic literature suggests that there are two summary techniques
and many of the fragmentary variety. The greatest contrast is exhibited
between theories that assume these market mechanisms work perfectly well
(and hence need not be analyzed) and theories that assume these markets
mechanisms are totally dysfunctional (and hence cannot be analyzed). Representatives
of the works-perfectly-well theories include much of Monetarism and most
of New Classicism; representatives of the totally-dysfunctional theories
include Fundamentalist Keynesianism as rooted in Keynes's 1937 restatement
of his General Theory as well as Austro-Keynesian Nihilism as exposited
from the Keynesian side by G. L. S. Shackle [1974] and from the Austrian
side by Ludwig M. Lachmann [1986].(2)
Theorists who do not incorporate
a capital structure in their macroeconomics but reject either of the two
extreme assumptions about the efficacy of the market mechanisms that create
and maintain that structure are left to pick and choose in ad hoc
fashion among many aspects of the market process some aspect of it that
is thought to be particularly significant and worthy of attention. For
Keynesianism as set out by income-expenditure analysis, expectations, explained
largely by group psychology, dominate in the determination of the level
of investment; the interest rate, governed largely by changes in liquidity
preferences, plays a subordinate role in investment decisions, as reflected
in an interest-inelastic demand for investment funds. For Post Keynesians,
mark-up pricing made possible by oligopolistic elements in the economy
satisfy the needs of the capitalist class for internal finance and enable
investments to be undertaken. For New Keynesians, contracting costs for
labor, which result in wage and price stickiness and in the staggering
of wage-rate adjustments, weigh heavily in translating parametric changes
into changes in the levels of employment and investment.
To single out aspects of
the market process not explicitly related to the time element in the economy's
capital structure is to overlook the intertemporally complex relationship
between successive periods of investment and the resulting pattern of output.
In theories with atemporal explanations of the level of investment in each
period, the capital stock can be nothing other than a simple sum of the
separate investment magnitudes. There is one notable theoretical development
within New Classicism, however, that centers around an aspect of the market
process explicitly related to the critical time element. Investment in
each period consists partly of new investment and partly of continued investment,
which reflects earlier�and possibly regrettable�investment decisions plus
what is called time-to-build considerations [Kydland and Prescott, 1982].
Although the distinction between new and continued investment in the context
of a theoretical construction which otherwise has no structure of capital
is an ad hoc distinction, it is nonetheless one that is rooted�or,
at least, could be rooted�in the most fundamental insights linking capital
and time.(3)
III. Adjectival Time
How many different kinds of capital are there in a capital-using economy?
Surely, there are many, although most of macroeconomics pretends that there
is only one. The stock of it grows monolithically as each year's investments
are added to it. How many kinds of time are there in a capital-using economy?
Surely, there is only one kind of time, which underlies all macroeconomics,
all economics, all social science, all science, and all reality as we know
it. Nonetheless, a casual survey of modern macroeconomic literature reveals
a proliferating taxonomy of time. There is calendar time, mechanical time,
analytical time, Newtonian time, Bergsonian time, real time, historical
time, expectational time; there are market processes that are "in time"
and market processes that are "out of time."
The length of the list of
adjectives that have been appended to time is in part a reflection of variation
in writing style and lack of standardization of terminology. Admittedly,
several contrasting pairs can been gleaned from the list to express the
same�or very similar�meaning. But for macroeconomists who think in terms
of the economy's capital structure but read a macroeconomics literature
free of such considerations, adjectival time takes on a special meaning.
The taxonomy of time is a surrogate, however cryptic and otherwise inadequate,
for a taxonomy of capital; it sheds only the most indirect light on the
market processes that maintain and modify the economy's intertemporal capital
There are two analytically
separable�though actually interrelated�sets of issues for which kinds of
time are proxies for other, more substantive aspects of a capital-using
economy. One set of issues, which turns on the distinction between historical
and analytical time, has to do with the nature of the economy's capital
structure; the other set of issues, which makes use of expectational time,
has to do with entrepreneurial decisions that lead to the maintenance or
modification of the capital structure.
Historical time, which is
characterized by an essential irreversibility, is commonly contrasted to
analytical time, which, purportedly, can run both directions. Movements
in analytical time are analogous to movements in space. In analytical time,
eggs can be cracked and then un-cracked; volcanoes can erupt and then un-erupt;
investment projects can be commenced and then un-commenced. In historical
time there are at least some things�cracked eggs, erupted volcanoes, and
committed capital among them�that cannot be undone. While the notion of
time running both directions, even as a thought experiment, will not survive
critical contemplation (How about all six directions? At the same time?),
the issues addressed can be given more direct�and therefore less cryptic�expression
by considering the nature of the economy's intertemporal capital structure.
Capital goods that make
up the structure differ in terms of durability and specificity. Relationships
among the heterogeneous collection of capital goods vary in degrees of
both atemporal and intertemporal substitutability and complementarity.
If capital goods were wholly non-specific, if the collection of them were
fully homogeneous such that any one capital good is a perfect substitute
for any other, then production processes could proceed as if time
ran both ways. A half-finished performance hall could be completed�with
no effects on cost or construction time�as a bowling alley; the production
process that yields musical instruments could�with an eleventh-hour change
of mind�yield bowling pins and bowling balls instead. It would be as if
the construction of a performance hall and the making of musical instruments,
once commenced, were then un-commenced so as to facilitate the construction
of a bowling alley and the production of bowling equipment. The total production
time, due attention to the algebraic sign of component elements of time,
would be no greater than if bowling had given shape to the production process
from the start.
Treatments of macroeconomic
issues in which historical time is played-off against analytical time is
capital-based macroeconomics in sillouette. To feature time irreversibility
is to recognize that the intertemporal capital structure has a particular
profile. But the black-and-white distinction between historical and analytical
time is too crude and too cryptic to shed any light on the actual complexity
of the capital structure and on the causes and consequences of capital
maintenance and capital restructuring.(4)
Expectational time is a
phrase that refers to a time horizon rather than to the actual passage
of time in one direction or another. For what period of time do investors
plan? The formation of expectations and the commitment to investment undertakings
has a critical time dimension in macroeconomics. But the acts of forming
expectations and making commitments are largely unanchored in mainstream
macroeconomic theory; they are lacking in terms of both subject and direct
object. The subject of such acts is the entrepreneur, who has a shadowy
existence in most all of mainstream economics, in microeconomics as well
as macroeconomics. The proximate objects of such acts are the components
of the capital structure, the contemplated additions to it or modifications
of it evaluated in the light of the capital structure as it is currently
perceived to exist.
The attempt to finesse a
theory of entrepreneurship in the context of a complex intertemporal capital
structure by incorporating expectational time into macroeconomics has had
but little success. Polar contrasts can be made [as in Keynes, 1964, ch.
5] between short-run expectations, which are formed and reformed continuously
and confidently on the basis of timely and relevant feedback, and long-run
expectations, which are totally baseless acts of imagination. And plausible
claims can be made about changes in planning horizons attributable, say,
to a change in the rate of technological progress or to increasing or decreasing
stability of a policy regime. But identifying the macroeconomic significance
of changing expectations that cause investment activity to turn from maintenance
of a given capital structure to structural modification requires more than
considerations of expectational time can deliver. Explicit consideration
must be given to the capital structure itself and to the entrepreneurs
who form expectation on the basis of their perception of it.
IV. Does It Matter that Expectations Are Subjective?
Reflective writings on economic theory acknowledge the essential subjective
character of its fundamental concepts. Consumption utilities, even costs,
and certainly entrepreneurial expectations are subjective in ways that
few economists would dispute. For issues of basic methodology and philosophy
of science, subjectivist considerations are given great weight. And in
modern macroeconomics, schools of thought can be categorized on the basis
of whether or not�and to what extent�they give play to the subjectivity
of expectations.
The polar extremes identified
earlier, Keynesian Fundamentalism and New Classicism, can serve to illustrate.
In the first extreme, critical questions about the state of long-term expectations,
about the profitability of investment activities, guide discussion about
the future of the macroeconomy, but answering such questions with Keynes's
oft-quoted punchline that "We simply don't know" cuts discussion short.
In the second extreme, it is postulated that entrepreneurs, if not economists,
know or that they behave, collectively, as if they do. With the assumption
of rational expectations, the distinction between the past and the future
and the essential subjectivity of entrepreneurial expectations is downplayed
if not completely eliminated.
Identifying the limits of
macroeconomics requires that we reject both polar extremes. Rather than
make some assumption that either features or hides the subjectivity of
expectations, we must seek a substantive answer to the question: "Does
it matter that expectations are subjective?" Considerations of the nature
of entrepreneurial activities in the context of a complex intertemporal
capital structure suggest a hedged answer: Sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes
it does. In the most general terms, our specific answer depends upon whether
the intertemporal structure of capital is simply being maintained or is
undergoing systematic modifications in the face of some economywide change
in market conditions.
Karen Vaughn [1980] has
offered and defended a substantive answer to the similar and possibly more
fundamental question: "Does it matter that costs are subjective?" As a
preliminary to policy prescription, this question about costs in the economically
relevant sense of the subjective valuation of foregone opportunities becomes:
Do observable market prices accurately reflect inherently unobservable
costs? Vaughn argues that they do but only under conditions of full equilibrium.
She then juxtaposes this conclusion with the more common belief that situations
in which markets, for some reason or other, are not equilibrating are precisely
the ones where policy intervention finds its greatest justification [Ibid.
pp. 710f].
Costs, the consideration
of which underlie policy prescription, can be objectively measured only
when there is no need for policy. This is the essence of the conundrum
identified by Vaughn. A similar conundrum, conceived possibly as a corollary
to the subjective-cost conundrum, identifies the limits of macroeconomics
in terms of subjective expectations. Entrepreneurial expectations about
the future can be surmised from entrepreneurial activity of the immediate
past only in the instance in which entrepreneurs are pressing ahead to
complete the projects that they have already initiated. Such a situation
might occur if, under unchanged market conditions, market forces have been
working and continue to work to maintain an intertemporal equilibrium.
That is, only when entrepreneurial expectations about the future can be
accurately represented as a projection of recent and ongoing entrepreneurial
activity does the essential subjectivity of expectations not matter. Thus,
the macroeconomic theorist can be confident that considerations of subjective
expectations pose no difficulty for his theory only in circumstances in
which there is no need for macroeconomic policy.
In circumstances of systematic
intertemporal discoordination, however, considerations of expectations
must dominate macroeconomic theorizing. Suppose that near the end of a
period of economic expansion, it becomes clear to entrepreneurs�and even
to economists�that market conditions favorable to continued expansion are
unlikely to prevail. For the argument at hand, it does not much matter
whether the economy is in the final throes of a demand-driven boom or on
the eve of some dramatic but only vaguely anticipated change in supply
conditions. In either case, macroeconomic theory has to deal with the fact
that entrepreneurs are no longer pressing ahead but are instead adapting
to change. And the adaptations that entrepreneurs will be making are guided
by their expectations about the new market conditions and about how other
entrepreneurs are likely to adapt.(5)
In a period of macroeconomic
disequilibrium, when actions in the future are not simple extrapolations
of actions in the recent past, all the thorny issues of capital theory
come into play. What is the best thing to do with a half-completed performance
hall in light of the changing market condition? Some such projects will
be completed almost as initially planned; others will be completely liquidated.
Some will be modified in various degrees in terms of the resources and
techniques used; others will altered to some small or great extent in terms
of the ultimate objective. Considerations of capital specificity and durability
and of atemporal and intertemporal substitutability and complementarity
among capital goods and between capital goods and other resources, as perceived
subjectively by each entrepreneur, all come into play.
What has been offered here
as a subjective-expectations corollary to Vaughn's subjective-costs conundrum
can itself be expressed in terms of subjective costs. Under conditions
of full competitive equilibrium, costs at the margin are adequately measured
by observable market magnitudes. The entrepreneur borrows funds at the
market rate of interest and undertakes projects that are just worth while.
What is popularly called the "cost of capital" refers both the the rate
of interest and the rate of return for the entrepreneurs whose activities
maintain the marginal conditions. But it is precisely these marginal relationships
that are nullified by an economywide disturbance. Macroeconomic disequilibrium
drives a wedge between the rate of interest and the newly formed expectations
about the rate of return on projects that were initiated before the disequilibrating
disturbance. When capital maintenance turns to capital restructuring, the
activities of entrepreneurs can no longer be explained in terms of marginal
conditions and observable interest rates: It's a poor entrepreneur whose
next best alternative is the bank rate of interest.(6)
Macroeconomic theory that
translates changes in market conditions into movements in macroeconomic
variables must hinge critically on the actual and perceived relationships
that characterize the economy's intertemporal capital structure. In macroeconomic
disequilibrium, the fact that entrepreneurial expectations are subjective
matters greatly. The theory, in fact, is no better than its treatment of
expectations. Thus, in the very circumstance of some economywide disturbance,
in which the perceived need for stabilization policy is the greatest, the
theory on which such policy is based is the most tenuous.
Further, policymakers, by
implementing policy either on the false premise that the subjectivity of
expectation does not matter or with the realization that they do�somehow�matter,
have the effect of making the theory even more tenuous. This compounding
effect involving the interplay between theory and policy will be recognized
as central to the Lucas critique and to Newcomb's decision problem as applied
to policy activism. The conundrum highlighted here, however, is independent
of and logically prior to those identified by Lucas and Newcomb.(7)
V. Demand-Siders, Supply-Siders, Both and Neither
Attention to the economy's intertemporal capital structure virtually
precludes dealing with macroeconomic problems and formulating macroeconomic
policy in terms of aggregates that summarily relate the demand side of
the economy to the supply side. Intertemporal discoordintion upsets supply
and demand relationships within the capital structure, such that the time-consuming
process that transforms the economy's basic resources into products that
satisfy consumer demand is characterized by a complex pattern of excess
supplies and excess demands. The problem of identifying and dealing with
the specific and interrelated excesses is, in the final analysis, an entrepreneurial
problem. The solution to the problem requires some systematic tendency
for entrepreneurial expectations to be correct and hence requires institutional
arrangements that automatically reward correct expectations.
Macroeconomic debate over
the last several decades has been dominated by Keynesian policy activists,
who advocate demand-management policies, and their Monetarist critics;
and by Supply-siders, who have attempted to shift the focus of policy from
the demand side of the economy to the supply side. Each side of the market
has served as the basis for effective political rhetoric, as exemplified
by the demand-oriented Democratic administrations of the 1960s and the
supply-oriented Republican administration of the 1980s. Pointing to periods
during which such one-sided policies for managing the macroeconomy were
actually pursued effectively or even consistently is, of course, another
Adding capital theory to
macroeconomics as the most direct and explicit way of accommodating the
critical time element in economic relationships warns against exclusive
focus on either side of the market. Considerations of expectations and
the critical role of the entrepreneur suggest that there may be an unbridgeable
gap between macroeconomic theory and activist policy. The conundrums inherent
in capital-based macroeconomics imply a balance in terms of sides of the
market and a contrast between theory and policy: On analytical issues,
macroeconomists should think of themselves as Both Siders; on policy issues,
as Neither Siders. Macroeconomic theory can shed light on the the nature
of the problems that entrepreneurs face in conditions of economywide disequilibrium;
policy activism can do little to help solve what in essence is an entrepreneurial
Spelling out the limits
of macroeconomics in terms of capital structure and entrepreneurial expectations
is not intended to imply that macroeconomics should be abandoned entirely
in favor of microeconomics. Here too the intended implications turn on
the distinction between theory and policy. For policy, clearer recognition
of the limits of macroeconomics strengthens the case for rules over discretion.
It argues for the abandonment of policy activism in favor of institutional
reform. If policy activism is unlikely to get the economy out of macroeconomic
difficulties, institutional reform that, among other things, eliminates
the threat of policy activism may well keep the economy from getting into
macroeconomic difficulties.
For theory, the explicit
detailing of the limits of macroeconomics points to possible margins where
theory might be improved. More pointedly, translating macroeconomic ideas
expressed in the language of adjectival time into the macroeconomics of
capital structure may have an especially high payoff. And paying attention
to the particular kinds of problems that entrepreneurs face during periods
of economywide capital restructuring may provide the soundest basis for
the reform of the economy's macroeconomic institutions.
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen. Capital and Interest.
3 vols. [originally published in German in 1984, 1989, and 1909], South
Holland, IL: Libertarian Press, 1959.
Cassel, Gustav. The Nature and Necessity of Interest.
London:Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1903.
Clark, John B. The Distribution of Wealth. New
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Dow, Sheila C. Macroeconomic Thought: A Methodological
Approach. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, Ltd., 1985.
Frydman, Roman, Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. and Andrew Shotter,
"Rational Expectations of Government Policy: An Application of Newcomb's
Problem," Southern Economic Journal, vol. 49, no. 2 (October), 1982,
pp. 311-19.
Garrison, Roger W., "Time and Money: the Universals of
Economic Theorizing," Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 6, no. 2 (Spring)
1984, pp. 197-213.
________. "Professor Rothbard and the Theory of Interest,"
in Walter Block and Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., eds. Man, Economy, and
Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard. Auburn, AL Ludwig von
Mises Institute, 1988, pp. 44-55.
________. "The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle in
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vol 3, 1989, pp. 3-29.
Jevons, William Stanley. The Theory of Political Economy.
Middlesex: Pinguin Books, Ltd., [1871] 1970.
Keynes, John Maynard, "The General Theory of Employment,"
Journal of Economics, vol. 51, 1937, pp. 209-23.
________. The General Theory of Employment, Interest,
and Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, inc., [1936] 1964.
Knight, Frank H., "Capital, Time, and the Interest Rate,"
ns 2 (August) 1934, pp. 257-86.
Kydland, Finn E. and Prescott, Edward C., "Time to Build
and Aggregate Fluctuations," Econometrica vol. 50 no. 6, (November)
1982, pp. 1345-70.
Lucas, Robert E. Jr., "Econometric Policy Evaluation:
A Critique," in Lucas, ed. Studies in Business Cycle Theory. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 1981, pp. 104-30.
Lachmann, Ludwig M., "From Mises to Shackle: An Essay
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Literature, March 1976, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 54-62.
________. Ludwig M. Capital and Its Structure.
Kansas City: Sheed, Andrews and McMeel, Inc., [1956] 1978.
Phelps, Edmund S. Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990.
Robinson, Joan, "Production Theory and the Theory of Capital"
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Middlesex: Pinguin Books, Ltd., 1971, pp. 47-64.
Samuelson, Paul A., "A Summing Up," [1966], in G. C. Harcourt
and N. F. Laing, eds. Capital and Growth. Middlesex: Pinguin Books, Ltd.,
1971, pp. 233-50.
Shackle, G. L, S. Keynesian Kaleidics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
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Sraffa, Piero. The Production of Commodities by Means
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Vaughn, Karen I., "Does It Matter That Costs Are Subjective?"
Southern Economic Journal, vol. 46, no. 3 (January), 1980, pp. 702-15.
1. An application of dimensional analysis
to the issue of the interest rate as a price is provided by Garrison, 1988,
pp. 49-51.
2. For an extended capital-based contrast
of Keynesianism and Monetarism and a treatment of the Austrian alternative
as a middle-ground position, see Garrison [1984] and Garrison [1989].
3. In view of their own critique of
mainstream macroeconomics, the New Classicists will not take lightly the
charge of ad hocness. But distinguishing between "new" and "continuing"
investments has no theoretical basis in New Classicism. Without a theory
of capital structure, the distinction can only mean new or continued involvement
of a particular firm. But for macroeconomic relevance, the distinction
must apply to the economy's capital structure. The firm-based distinction
and the structure-based distinction would be equivalent only if all production
processes were characterized by complete vertical integration.
4. In view of their own critique of
mainstream macroeconomics, the New Classicists will not take lightly the
charge of ad hocness. But distinguishing between "new" and "continuing"
investments has no theoretical basis in New Classicism. Without a theory
of capital structure, the distinction can only mean new or continued involvement
of a particular firm. But for macroeconomic relevance, the distinction
must apply to the economy's capital structure. The firm-based distinction
and the structure-based distinction would be equivalent only if all production
processes were characterized by complete vertical integration.
5. In application, the distinction
between "pressing ahead" and "adapting to change" parallels the distinction
between maintenance and restructuring as spelled out in footnote 3. Also,
it should be noted that Vaughn's subjective-cost conundrum turns on the
distinction between full equilibrium, which exists only in the textbooks,
and disequilibrium, which characterizes market processes as we know them.
My subjective-expectations corollary turns on the distinction between actual
market processes as they function under normal conditions and those same
market processes as they function in the face of some economywide disturbance.
6. A key difference between growth
theory and macroeconomic theory can be stated in terms of the interest
rate's serviceability as a measure of the relevant opportunity cost. The
centrality of the interest rate in growth theories, which typically concern
themselves with the economy's equilibrium growth path, is not in doubt;
the significance of the interest rate in macroeconomics, which typically
deals with circumstances in which marginal conditions have been upset on
an economywide basis, e.g. by a collapsing demand-driven boom or by a supply
shock, is a matter of some controversy.
7. The Lucas critique [1981] is based
on the market participants' ability to anticipate policy; Newcomb's decision
problem, as applied by Frydman et al. [1982], arises when market participants
and policymakers try to anticipate one another.