Icy Inverts Antarctica Cruise Jan-Feb 2013 - Participants

Individuals participating in the cruise, their home institutions and positions are:

Halanych, Ken Auburn University Chief Scientist
Mahon, Andy Central Michigan University Co-PI
Santos, Scott* Auburn University Co-PI
Brannock, Pam University of Alabama-Birmingham/Auburn University Postdoctoral Fellow
Branson, David Auburn University Graduate Student Researcher
Cannon, Joie Auburn University Graduate Student Researcher
Cornado, Carlos Central Michigan University Graduate Student Researcher
Duquette, Ashley University of Alabama-Birmingham Graduate Student Researcher
Galaska, Matt Auburn University Graduate Student Researcher
Held, Christopher  Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research  Collaborator
Hollingsworth, Abigail Central Michigan University  Undergraduate Student Researcher 
Kocot, Kevin Auburn University Graduate Student Researcher
Medved, Alex Auburn University Undergraduate Student Researcher
Sands, Cheps British Antarctic Survey Collaborator
Santagata, Scott Long Island University Collaborator
 Velasco-Schwartz, Megan  Natural History Museum, London Collaborator
Weese, David Auburn University/University of Michigan Postdoctoral Fellow

* - Santos will be back in Auburn, Alabama assisting with land-based logistics during the cruise.

Last updated: 11/12/2013