Undergraduate "Contract"

What you should expect:

Increasing your knowledge and experience in your major
Some initial explanation of the theory of what you're doing
Some period of one-on-one training (either from the professor or, more likely, a graduate student)
Acquiring some technical skill (computers, library searching, specialized laboratory techniques)
Clear designation of the expectations of your stint here
Letters of recommendation (if deserved)
Learning possible contacts for future graduate or professional school
Possible co-authorship on an oral presentation or written manuscript

What you should do to achieve your expectations:

Commit for a minimum of two semesters
Ask questions - don't just be a body
Ask for some references in the field that have to do with your project
Read them! Think about it! Ask more questions!
Talk to graduate students in the lab
Schedule meetings - ask how you're doing - what else can you do
Sometimes you have to help out in grunt work, but don't let that be all you do

What I expect:

Commitment to do a project well and honestly
Show up when you say you will. Do what you're assigned to do
A lot of work
Independent background reading and thinking
Ask questions if you're not sure (better safe than sorry!!!)
If something has gone wrong, tell someone! Don't cover it up!
Schedule communication (if there's a problem, let's discuss it before it gets worse)
Patience (I want to help, but I have commitments too - let's have scheduled sessions for advice, etc.)

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