COSAM » COSAM Faculty » Biological Sciences » Sorrentino, Richard P.

Richard P. Sorrentino
Biological Sciences

Office: 150 Funchess Hall

101 Rouse Life Sciences Bldg.
Auburn University, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-9268
Fax: (334) 844-1645


Ph.D. Biology – The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
M.Phil. Biology – The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
M.A. Biology – The City College of the City University of New York
B.A. Biology – New York University

Research and Teaching Interests

Genetics, molecular biology, evolution, cellular biology, developmental biology, hematopoiesis, leukemogenesis, innate cellular immunity, Drosophila

Selected Publications

  1. Sorrentino RP. 2010. Large standard deviations and logarithmic-normality: the truth about hemocyte counts in DrosophilaFly:327-332.

  2. Tokusumi T, Sorrentino RP, Russell M, Ferrarese R, Govind S, Schulz RA. 2009. Characterization of a lamellocyte transcription enhancer located within the misshapen gene of Drosophila melanogaster.  PLoS ONE 4:e6429.

  3. Sorrentino RP, Tokusumi T, Schulz RA.  2007.  The Friend of GATA protein U-shaped functions as a hematopoietic tumor suppressor in DrosophilaDev. Biol. 311:311-323.

  4. Gajewski KM, Sorrentino RP, Lee JH, Zhang Q, Russell M, Schulz RA. 2007. Identification of a crystal-cell-specific enhancer of the Black cells prophenoloxidase gene in DrosophilaGenesis 45:200-207.

  5. Sorrentino RP, Schulz RA. 2006.  A protocol for determining circulating hemocyte concentration of individual tumorous Drosophila larvae. DIS 89:103-107.

  6. Chiu H, Ring BC, Sorrentino RP, Kalamarz M, Garza D, Govind S. 2005. dUbc9 negatively regulates Toll-NF-κB pathway in larval hematopoiesis and drosomycin activation in Drosophila.  Dev. Biol. 288:60-72. 

  7. Sorrentino RP, Gajewski KM, Schulz RA.  2005.  GATA factors in Drosophila heart and blood cell development. Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 16:107-116.

  8. Sorrentino RP, Melk JP, Govind S.  2004.  Genetic analysis of contributions of dorsal group and JAK-Stat92E pathway genes to larval hemocyte concentration and the egg encapsulation response in DrosophilaGenetics 166:1343-1356.

  9. Qiu P, Qin L, Sorrentino RP, Greene JR, Wang L, Partridge NC. 2003. Comparative promoter analysis and its application in analysis of PTH-regulated gene expression.  J. Mol. Biol. 326:1327-1336.

  10. Sorrentino RP, Small CN, Govind S.  2002.  Quantitative analysis of phenol oxidase activity in insect hemolymph. BioTechniques 32:815-823.


Undergraduate Graduate
Cell Biology – BIOL 4100
Cell Biology Laboratory – BIOL 4101

Last updated: 08/01/2019