Section 3.1: Academic Freedom and Responsibility
Section 3.2: Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
Section 3.3: Faculty Appointments
Section 3.4: Endowed and Distinguished Professorships
Section 3.5: Nontenure-Track Faculty
Section 3.6: Promotion and Tenure of Tenure-Track Faculty
Section 3.7: Evaluations and Reviews
Section 3.8: Faculty Development
Section 3.9: Termination of Faculty Appointments
Section 3.10: Retirement
Introduction: Policy on Quality Instruction
Section 4.1: Faculty Teaching Assignments
Section 4.2: Expectations for Faculty
Section 4.3: Expectations for Students
Section 4.4: Examinations
Section 4.5: Grading
Section 4.6: Academic Honesty
Section 4.7: Student Grievances
Section 4.8: The Graduate School
Section 5.1: Enrollment Planning
Section 5.2: Undergraduate Degree Programs
Section 5.3: Directed Studies
Section 5.4: Distance Learning
Section 5.5: Student Enrollment
Section 5.6: Student Academic Status
Introduction: The University’s Formal Research Program
Section 6.1: Conducting Research
Section 6.2: Violations of Research Integrity
Section 6.3: Research Products
Section 6.4: Centers and Institutes