Administrative and Professional Assembly

April 23, 1996 - 3:00 p.m.

James E. Foy Union Building - Room 213

Jim Stone, The Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Representatives present: Fred Bobo, Alesia Boyd, Bill Compton, Carl Gagliano, Robert Gottesman, Teresa Hall, Ellyn Hix, Angie Jacobs, Bruce Lewis, Minnie Melton, Michael Miller, Liza Mueller, Betty Reese, Jim Stone, Ted Trupp, and Teresa Vest.

J. Stone welcomed all in the attendance and then outlined the agenda for the meeting. Following a review of the minutes from the January 23 meeting, R. Gottesman motioned to accept the minutes. T. Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

David Moncus, chair of the Grievance Committee, was asked by Jim Stone to give a report. D. Moncus reported that the committee had met to discuss how the committee will receive grievances. He presented a motion from the Grievance Committee to be reviewed by the A&P Assembly. J. Stone reviewed the motion as follows:

Be it resolved that, the Grievance Committee of the Administrative and Professional Assembly chooses to use the current, as of 4/23/96, Auburn University Staff Personnel Policies manual for matters that may come before the committee until such time as the Administrative and Professional Assembly shall adopt an Administrative and Professional Handbook which contains University personnel policies which relate to Administrative and Professional employees.
Discussion followed. It was explained to the Assembly that the policies and procedures of the Staff Handbook be used as a guide for receiving grievances and the A&P Grievance policy would still be used for handling grievances. T. Hall moved the motion be accepted and M. Miller seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

J. Stone introduced Darwin Liverance to present a proposal to enhance the Spirit of Excellence program. The Employee Recognition Committee proposed a special parking place for recipients of the Spirit of Excellence award to the Parking and Traffic Committee. This proposal was turned down. D. Liverance recommended that if the Assembly thought the proposal had merit and would lend their support, that the Employee Recognition Committee would then revisit the idea with the Parking and Traffic Committee with the support of the A&P Assembly. This was received as an information item and would be put on a future agenda.

J. Stone reintroduced D. Liverance to discuss the "broad banding" proposal. D. Liverance presented the proposal with the objectives for an employee compensation program that is internally equitable, and externally competitive to the extent that financial resources are available for that purpose. Jim concluded the discussion to say that it has been presented to the Vice Presidents and that it has be said that there will be some type of plan put in place for Non-Tenure track employees. He also continued to say that it is important that A&P employees take notice of this and voice their concerns to the appropriate Vice President.

J. Stone then asked Fred Bobo to discuss with the Assembly on how to get an item on the agenda. F. Bobo then referred the Assembly to Article IV, Section B of the A&P Constitution. He concluded by saying that A&P employees should approach their A&P representative with items for the agenda and then they in turn would refer these suggestions to the Executive Committee.

J. Stone addressed the Assembly regarding procedures for opening Assembly meeting for member comments. After lengthy discussion, it was recommended that the Assembly follow Roberts Rules of Order as stated in the A&P Constitution.

Falling under old business, J. Stone commented on the representation on University Councils and Committees. Research on this subject was presented in the form of a memorandum to Jim Stone from Robert Gottesman and Teresa Hall. J. Stone reported that the Chair of the Faculty Senate was willing to form a committee with A&P representatives and Staff representatives to discuss this issue. R. Gottesman made the motion to authorize the chair to approach the Senate and Staff in the interest of forming a committee to discuss seats on University Councils and Committees. T. Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

At 4:54 p.m. L. Mueller moved for adjournment. T. Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellyn Hix
Executive Committee Member