Auburn University

Administrative & Professional Assembly

August 04, 1999 - 2:00 P.M. (Unapproved)

213 Foy Student Union

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Call to Order: Michael Miller, Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:11 P. M. Miller opened by thanking the audience for their attendance. Miller stated that the AP Assembly follows Robert's Rules of Order. Therefore, he would open the floor for audience participation after the Assembly's discussion.

Representatives Present: Joe Aderholdt, Judy Allen, John Asmuth, Tommy Bartlett, Jane Goff, Robert Gottesman, Ellyn Hix, Mickie Jacob, Jack Lawton, Michael Miller, Donna Mitcham, Buddy Mitchell, Larry Moore, Kevin Robinson, Janine Slick, Tom Sparrow, Teresa Vest.

Prior Minutes: The minutes from the April 19,1999 meeting were reviewed. Hix motioned that the minutes be accepted as amended. Allen seconded the motion and it carried.

Elections of 1999/2000 Executive Committee: Miller explained to the audience that the Assembly operates on the University's fiscal year. The AP Constitution stipulates that Assembly members must be present to vote. The Assembly members for the Executive Committee are nominated by the AP Nominations and Elections Committee, and have agreed to serve if elected. Additional nominations from the Assembly are allowed. The new term is effective October 01, 1999.

Comments from Gordon Stone, Executive Director of the Higher Education Partnership: Miller introduced Gordon Stone, Executive Director of the Higher Education Partnership (HEP). Mr. Stone said that the purpose of the organization was to create another advocacy resource in the public arena in the Capitol for four-year institutions. In Mr. Stone's opinion, the political leadership ignores you unless you can bring either a grass-roots constituency of voters, and/or large financial resources. Elementary and secondary educational institutions have the ability to provide both. Additionally, each university has a strong support mechanism on an individual basis. HEP strengthens those goals by being a resource to put grass-root communications together, and by being a common voice for all universities. Mr. Stone explained that HEP does not take a position on the internal issues of a university, but works on the global issues of all public universities. Currently, HEP calls the political leadership. When the political leadership calls HEP, Mr. Stone feels a level of success will have been achieved. It is important to realize that Alabama's public four-year institutions change lives. Mr. Stone encouraged all AP employees to join.

Miller opened the floor for questions from the Assembly.

Mr. Stone concluded that you may call him at 334-832-9911 or check the web ( ) for information.

AU AP Assembly

August 04, 1999 - 2:00 P.M. (Unapproved)

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Old Business

Employee Background Checks Update: In January, Administration approved a Human Resources policy calling for background checks for new hires into the Staff and AP employee groups. In April, the Assembly passed a resolution supporting the policy, but calling for the policy to also extend to faculty. Staff Council passed a very similar resolution with one major addition. The Staff Council advised that the policy should be rescinded if it were not extended to include faculty. Although the University Senate discussed the policy on July 13th, no action was taken. The state legislature recently passed House Bill 402, extending background checks at the K-12 level to the states two and four-year schools. This piece of legislation is very ambiguous.

Miller opened the floor for comments/questions from the Assembly. Since neither Dr. Muse nor Provost Walker formally responded to the AP resolution of April 1999, what is Administration's response? Why did the University Senate table the issue? What is/will be the effect of House Bill 402? Why aren't the opinion(s) of AP employees asked and valued just as those of the faculty? Is the Board of Trustees (BOT) aware of this issue? Dr. Jim Ferguson, VP for Administrative Services will be leading a meeting of all involved AU parties to further discuss the current policy and surrounding issues.

Miller opened the floor for comments/question from the audience.

Other Old Business: None.

New Business:

The Nominations and Elections Committee surveyed current full-time AP employees to determine interest in serving on the AP Assembly, AP committees, and University committees. Survey results and recommendations were passed to Miller. Although the Constitution stipulates a proportional representation to the Assembly, this proportional makeup is becoming problematic because of the small size of the AP employee group and the regular reorganization(s) within the University. Alternative methodologies for Assembly representation will be looked into for the future years. Elections will be held the 1st week in September. Miller encouraged employees to participate.

AP Committee Reports

AU AP Assembly

August 04, 1999 - 2:00 P.M. (Unapproved)

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New Business continued

July 30th President's Cabinet Meeting Highlights: The Cabinet establishes the BOT agenda. Dr. Muse will recommend Dr. Walker for the Provost position. AU is considering the purchase of the vacant Delta Tau Delta house. The Conference Center's Director, Bill Compton, is retiring; the Interim Director is Jack Lawton.

Other New Business:


Allen moved for the meeting to adjourn. Slick seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 P. M.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna D. Mitcham
