Administrative and Professional Assembly

September 19, 2007

1:00 p.m.

Foy Union Ballroom


Meeting Minutes (Approved 10/17/07)


Call to Order

            Maria Folmar, Chair of the Assembly, called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.


Roll Call

Representatives Present: Christopher O’Gwynn, Kirsten Perkins, Barnese Adair-Wallace, Seth Humphrey, Julie Nolen, Philip Coxwell, Wiebke Kuhn, Greg Ruff, Teresa Logiotatos, April Staton, Ellen McManus, John Owen, Jane Hoehaver,

David Hennessey, Rob McKinnell, Maria Folmar, Todd Storey and Drew Burgering (18)


Representatives Absent: Lisa Powell (provided sub), Mark Wilson, Katie Mantooth and John Folmar


            Number of A & P Members Present: 50 (estimate)



Maria thanked Julie Nolen for serving as Secretary for this meeting in

Katie Mantooth’s absence. Maria also introduced Wiebke Kuhn, who will serve as representative for Place 10 (College of Education and College of Liberal Arts) to replace Lisa Fleming Hollans, who recently resigned this position.



Maria introduced President Jay Gogue and indicated that he has been meeting weekly with the A & P chair and others. She said that he requested the A & P survey information from earlier this year. Maria indicated that the A & P Assembly appreciates Dr. Gogue’s openness and the opportunity for input.  Maria then welcomed Dr. Gogue to the podium.


Dr. Gogue indicated that he was delighted to be back in Auburn. He said that he feels old and had started off by telling students, “Forty-two years ago I sat in your seat…” Dr. Gogue said he now says, “Thirty seven years ago when I left Auburn…”


He shared with the group several questions he has received from members of the Auburn family. The questions were varied and included increasing enrollment and admissions procedures, among many others. Dr. Gogue reminded the group that he promised to “hit the ground listening” and remains committed to that promise.












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His hope is to develope 20 to 30 things which all can buy into and all want to achieve. That list includes the following:


(1)   Academic Quality – Dr. Gogue indicated that we are currently located in the middle of our peers. He remains committed to increasing this quality.


(2)   Affordability – This is a top issue from a national perspective. Again, we are in the middle of our peers. We must understand the issues here better to improve the situation.


(3)   Access – We must look at the size of the university. Dr. Gogue reminded the audience that the Board had previously set a maximum enrollment of 25,000 students.


(4)   Campus Security – According to research, 68% of parents would spend their money in this area. They want more police, better lighting and open lines of sight around campus.


(5)   International Preparedness – Dr. Gogue indicated that students must be prepared for the international dimension of life after college. He wants to visit ways to better prepare our students and indicated that many more international students are now attending college. 


Dr. Gogue concluded by explaining that we are in a field which is truly making a difference. Higher education is a $400 billion enterprise with eighteen million students served. He hopes we realize how important we are to the industry.


Dr. Gogue then entertained questions from A & P members and representatives.


Q: Marilyn Johnson /Polymer and Fiber Engineering – What is your view on the parking situation here at Auburn?


A: Dr. Gogue – This is an issue at most campuses. Parking is generally either convenient, or cheap, but not both. Parking decks and garages must be a part of Auburn’s future. Cost is $4,500 for a flat spot and $6,000 to $11,000 in a garage. There are students here who live in dorms with no parking nearby, and this is a concern. Just so you know, Don Large is your advocate for employee parking. We are looking at every alternative here, but parking structures will play a role here. In Alabama we have low rates for parking. Discussion will continue on this subject.












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Q: Emily Elliott/recent Auburn graduate – Can employees use the on-line option for taking the 5 hours of classes offered to them? (Dr. Gogue referred this question to Dr. Large.)


A: Dr. Large – When this issue was first discussed, the on-line feature did not exist. The policy needs to be revisited. The current policy states that employees may take up to 5 hours on a space-available basis. I will look into this issue further.


It was then discussed that this raises the issue of remote access, i.e. places of disruption like areas victimized by Hurricane Katrina. Maria then indicated that the Professional Development Committee within the Assembly has asked for a policy revision by the Assembly regarding this. Maria then agreed to raise the issue again with Dr. Gogue at the regular Monday meeting that she attends.


Q: Julia Freeman/Polymer and Fiber Engineering – Students are having trouble getting the classes they need. What can be done about this?


A: Dr. Gogue – We need to look into electronic distance learning. It offers some real opportunities.


A: Maria Folmar – That benefit could then be offered to AU employees at external offices.


Maria then raised the issues which had been presented via the A & P survey of several months prior. Those issues of interest to A & P members are:


(1)   Safety and Security

(2)   Educational Benefits

(3)   Health and Wellness

(4)   Child Care Initiatives

(5)   New Compensation Plan (Merit only raises. What about cost of living increases?)


Dr. Gogue first indicated that regarding cost of living, this is a political decision. He stated the trend is to move more towards both an across-the-board increase as well as some percentage as a merit increase. Note: For FY 08 Auburn went away from including an across-the-board component and went solely to a merit increase for all employees. 


Regarding child care, Dr. Gogue indicated that this issue is often important to a small number of people who are passionate about it. Dr. Large and Dr. Gogue are













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looking at this issue. They would consider the possibility of a private daycare to come in. This could be used as a recruitment tool. Some schools have received gifts for daycare, according to Dr. Gogue, where land and other resources were donated.


Regarding health and welfare, Dr. Gogue indicated there could be possibly more mammogram screenings on campus offered if the current screening being offered is successful. He also mentioned weight loss programs and the like. He will look at the various options here.


There was a comment from A & P member Teresa Hawkins, who stated that Mary Rudisill of Recreation was trying to get a stress management class in place.


There was also mention of the “snacky” and “high fat” foods available on campus

at ballgames.  Could healthier options be offered? Dr. Gogue indicated that he has seen on campuses a special area for special foods.


After all questions and comments were complete, Maria thanked Dr. Gogue for his time and support.


Approval of Minutes

            The minutes of the June 20, 2007 meeting were approved as posted.


Comments from the Chair

                Due to time constraints, Maria deferred all comments from the chair.


Introduction to Place 2

            Kirsten Perkins, representative for Place 2, gave a PowerPoint presentation and handout on the Auburn Athletics Department. The handout information is as follows:



















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Place 2: Athletics


21 Sports, Sports Medicine, Equipment Room, Strength & Conditioning, Recruiting,

Student Services, Compliance, Ticket Office, Media Relations, Tigers Unlimited




Athletics Business Office, Foundation Business Office, Facilities/Event Operations, Transportation, Information Technology, Marketing and Communications



Approximately how many employees are in the unit?


196 Full Time Employees

361 Graduate Assistants, Student Workers, and Temporary Employees

557 Total Employees

Of those employees, what is the most years of service that anyone has?

Buddy Davidson, 50 years

Several Employees, 30+ Years

What is the unit’s purpose and who are its customers?


Purpose: see Mission & Vision Statements

Customers: Student-Athletes, Alumni, Donors, Ticket Holders, NCAA, SEC, Media, Recruits…

How do the employees in that area serve students, alumni, employers and faculty and staff?   What services are provided to these constituents?


- Graduating Student-Athletes through Student Development

- Keeping Student-Athletes Healthy and Performing at Peak Levels through Athletic Training and Medical Services

-A Positive Game Day Experience for All Customers

-Sporting, Academic, and Promotional Events

-Fundraising/Business Operations

-Compliance with NCAA, SEC, and Auburn University Rules and Regulations

What other areas on campus does this unit work closest with?


President’s Office

Office of the Provost

Deans’ Offices

Business Office



Auburn Athletics Department Mission Statement

“The Department of Athletics, in keeping with the mission of the University, and in a spirit of inclusion, encouraging diversity and equitable treatment of all, will seek to abide by the rules to manage its fiscal affairs in a responsible manner, to educate its student-athletes, and to win championships thereby bringing credit to Auburn and its people.” 












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Auburn Athletics Department Vision Statement

“The Auburn Athletics Department will be the nation's preeminent Athletics Department.

     We have a two-fold purpose: to enable our student-athletes to be successful in all areas of their lives, athletics, academics, and personal endeavors, both now and in their future careers, by providing them with the best resources available in academics, facilities, and coaching: and while meeting the needs of our student-athletes, to represent and promote Auburn University in a positive manner in all that we do.

     The Auburn Athletics Department's absolute values are to always tell the truth and to treat others as we would like to be treated. We will also adhere to the timeless values of the Auburn Creed. We will lead the way in integrity, diversity, communications, both internally and externally, compliance, and customer service.

We will function as a team, helping each other to be successful, rather than focusing on personal success. We will work for the benefit of others and for Auburn, not for personal gain. We will have an attitude of constructive discontent; always striving to be better.”




(1) A & P Executive Committee –


Todd Storey provided an update on the A & P Executive Committee. He indicated that the Committee has met three times since the last Assembly meeting and is working hard to take care of A & P needs. Todd said that the survey information gathered earlier was very helpful.


One of the goals of the Executive Committee is to improve communication. The web site has been updated and AU Access is now available for communication. Todd added that due to the new Classification and Compensation project, there have been employees who were added and some who were dropped from the A & P group. The Executive Committee is working to get these updated lists. The Committee is also trying to reach new hires to provide information regarding the Assembly. Todd encourages all employees to contact their place representatives to pass any information along to the Executive Committee.


(2) Health/Wellness and Daycare –


April Staton indicated that this committee has met with members of the Staff Council, who have been helpful advocates. That council took the lead in pursuing child care on campus, but these two groups are also working with the Faculty Senate. The hope is to pull all three groups together for support in this area. April indicated that there will soon be more discussion regarding the possibility of child care on campus. This committee hopes to pull a task force together to pursue this further.












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David Hennessey spoke on the issue of wellness. He indicated that there are several opportunities here, but the campus is not coordinated in its wellness efforts. The committee is hoping to find initiatives to bring these efforts together. David indicated that we are self-sustaining with respect to health care. Our premiums do not go up automatically when we receive raises.


David announced that on October 31, East Alabama Medical Center is partnering with Auburn University to offer mammograms to employees. No co-pay will be required. Calls should be made to EAMC to request an appointment. These appointment times will be available from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a first-come, first served basis. Transportation will be provided to the hospital. This service is being offered particularly to women between ages 35 to 39 or 40+ who have never had a mammogram or who have a history of breast cancer in their family. Information on this opportunity will be posted on AU Access. (Maria took this opportunity to thank Seth Humphrey, Place 6, for his assistance in getting AU Access up and running.)


(3) Committee Appointments –


Victoria Tate and Michelle Owsley announced the nominees for committee appointments. Those present were asked to stand when their name was called. All nominations were accepted as presented and approved unanimously.



Auburn University

Administrative and Professional Assembly

Nominations and Election Committee

Committee Nominations to Present to A&P Assembly

September 19, 2007


1) Grievance Committee

a) Six nominees will need to draw lots; five for 2010 and one for 2009.

i) Ashley Floyd (Exec V-P)

ii) Jennifer Turk (Outreach)

iii) Jamie Mantooth (Student Affairs)

iv) Tanja Matthews (Alumni)











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v) Susan Shaw (Ag, Provost)

vi) Abigail Correno

b) Others serving on Committee until 2009

i) Linda Bankston, Ag (Provost)

ii) Bob Karcher, Eng. (Provost)

iii) Cathy Ramey, OIT (Provost)

iv) Sue Ann Balch, Int’l Ed. (Provost)

c) Others serving on committee until 2008

i) Trish Digman, CVM (Provost)

ii) Jennifer Eller, (Development)

iii) Wiebke Kuhn, CLA (Provost)

iv) Brenda Lisano, Pharm (Provost)

v) Juanita Syljuberget, Sponsored Programs (Research)

2) Welfare Committee

a) Term Expire 2010

i) Karen Quinton

ii) Cindy Selman

iii) Denise McKeller

b) Others serving on committee until 2009

i) Brenda Wood

ii) Missty Kennedy

iii) Janet McCoy

iv) Jessie Shealey

c) Others serving on committee until 2008








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i) Jamie Creamer

ii) Robin Salter

iii) Judith Sanders


3) Professional Development

a) (Four nominees will need to draw lots; three for 2010; one for 2008)

i) Asim Ali

ii) John Updegraff

iii) Thomas Maple

iv) Deborah Solie

b) Others serving until 2009

i) Regina Bailey

ii) Marcella Harrison

iii) Sid (Sidney) Nakjavan

c) Others serving until 2008

i) Glenda Freeman

ii) Nada Nadarajah

4) Calendar and Schedules

a) Two nominees to draw lots; one each for 2010 and 2009

i) Leeanne Wofford

ii) Karen Pruett

b) Serving until 2008

i) Janie Echols-Brown

5) Nominations & Elections

a) Six nominees will need to draw lots; three for 2010; one for 2009; and two for 2008.

i) John Owen



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ii) Doug Hankes

iii) Rob Wellbaum

iv) Dorothy Cordell

v) Sherry Sydnor

vi) Richard “Greg” Ruff

b) Others serving until 2009

i) Michele Owsley

ii) Harriette Huggins

c) Serving until 2008

i) Rob Kulick

The committee report is included below:


Nominations and Elections Committee Report


Wiebke Kuhn, IT, College of Liberal Arts, has agreed to be nominated to fill the unexpired term of Lisa Fleming, Place 10. The term ends March 31, 2008.


The following A&P Committee Members have terms ending September 30, 2007; have left employment at Auburn University; or are no longer classified as A&P employees. Certificates of Appreciation should be prepared for presentation at the September meeting of A&P.


1)      Grievance Committee*


a)      Jennifer Barlow McDonald, OIT, (Provost)

b)      Barnese Adair-Wallace, Facilities (Exec V-P)

c)      Lisa Powell, CGS, (Outreach)

d)      Kerry Ransel, Library, (Provost)

e)      Christine Smith, Student Success Center, (Student Affairs)

f)        Sandy Pouncy, Agriculture (Provost) No longer A&P


2)      Welfare Committee**


a)      Henry Cobb

b)      Melissa Mapp


3)      Professional Development***


a)      Leanne Fuller

b)      Talitha Norris

c)      Helen Stewart

d)      John Greene, 2008 No longer working at AU


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4) Calendar and Schedules****


e)      Kimmie Barnes No longer working at AU

f)        Sandy Pouncey No longer A&P


5)      Nominations & Elections*****


a)      Victoria Tate

b)   Leon Bowman

c)      Jessie Shealey

d)      Jacqui Dozier, 2008 No longer working at AU

e)      Kimmie Barnes, 2009 No longer working at AU

f)        Kevin Mullins, 2008 No longer working at AU


*Grievance Committee is required to have representatives from each VP Area. The six nominees will draw straws to see who completes one 2009 term.

**Welfare Committee only has two rolling off because in a previous year nominees failed to draw straws for the 2008 term expiration. When four terms end in 2009, there should only be three nominees to replace them. The committee will have 10 members until then.

***Professional Development Committee has three terms ending 2007 and one 2008 to replace. Four names will be presented. At the first meeting of the committee the four will draw lots to see which one will serve the shorter term. That person can be nominated for a three year term next year.

****Calendar and schedules has two openings. This committee should meet quickly with the Chair (A&P Secretary) and the two nominees should draw straws for the 2008 and 2009 terms.

*****Nominations and elections will have five nominees who will draw straws to select three for 2010 term; one for 2009 term; and one for 2008 term.


Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following for completion of service on their respective committees:


Grievance Committee

Jennifer Barlow McDonald

Barnese Adair-Wallace

Lisa Powell

Kerry Ransel

Christine Smith

Sandra Pouncey


Welfare Committee

Henry Cobb

Melissa Mapp






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Professional Development Committee

Lee Ann Floor

Talitha Norris

Helen Stewart

John Greene


Calendar and Schedules

Kimmie Barnes

Sandy Pouncey


Nominations and Elections

Lee Ann Bowman

Jessie Shealey

Jackie Dozier

Kimmie Barnes

Kevin Mullins

Victoria Tate


New Business


Todd Storey asked if there needed to be an explanation sent forth on how to use AU Access.  Seth Humphrey indicated that there is a channel to help communicate AU Access. One must add the channel in order to use. One should click the top left area of Content/Layout to add. See the OIT website for assistance. Maria reminded the Place Representatives that she had sent an earlier e-mail (dated 8/23/07) on how to enter AU Access. She encouraged all representatives to share this information with their constituencies.


Open Forum


            There were no participants in the Open Forum.




Maria reminded everyone that the next meeting will take place on October 17, 2007 at 1 p.m. in Room 213 Foy. Guest speakers will be Lynne Hammond and Chuck Gerards of Human Resources. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Julie Nolen, Acting Secretary