Graduate Council

The council shall review requests for curriculum changes in courses that may be taken for graduate credit, review and recommend approval of all proposals for new graduate programs and modifications to existing programs, review existing programs, recommend regulations and policies for the Graduate School, and assist the dean of the Graduate School in carrying out those regulations and policies.

Twelve to fifteen faculty members, with at least one from each college with a graduate program

Dean of the Graduate School as Chair
Associate Dean of the Graduate School as non-voting Vice-chair
Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate School as non-voting secretary

One graduate student nominated by the Graduate Student Council.

Restrictions: Faculty members shall be appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School from a list of nominees provided by the Senate Rules Committee. The list of nominees shall, at a minimum, exceed the number of openings by two and shall contain at least two nominees from any college without a continuing representative. Faculty members must be Level 2 members of the Graduate Faculty.


Last Updated:April 10, 2024

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