4.0 Performance Development

4.1 Policies for Performance Development

4.1.1 General - University policy requires that all regular employees receive written notification of the supervisor's expectations for future performance, be given feedback at least annually about the supervisor's assessment of the employee's performance compared to those expectations, and be assisted or guided to improve any deficiencies that are identified. Expectations will be communicated through written standards or statements related to assigned responsibilities, and periodic reviews will assess the achievement of these written standards.

4.1.2 Forms and Records - To facilitate the performance planning and review process, supervisors will use standard forms to tailor performance standards to individual employees and to conduct and record the results of periodic reviews. Applicable forms will be provided according to the procedures in section 4.2.

4.1.3 Responsibilities

a) The Department of Human Resources will maintain hard copy files of past performance review records and current performance plans along with data base records and provide forms and assistance for the planning and review process according to approved schedules.

b) Supervisors will prepare and communicate performance plans in consultation with their employees and conduct and record periodic reviews according to schedules and instructions provided.

4.1.4 Probationary Period Program - The Probationary Period Program, covered in Section 2.8, is a performance evaluation program for new employees in addition to the Performance Development Program.

4.2 Procedures for Conducting and Recording Performance Development Actions

4.2.1 General - New or revised performance plans will be developed to cover periods of regular employment commencing with a new hire date or the date of a change in either job or supervisor. Subsequent performance reviews will be conducted whenever there is a change in the job or supervisor. In addition, supervisors will communicate to employees annual cycles for completing an evaluation period.

4.2.2 Action - The Department of Human Resources will assist supervisors with the planning and review process by

a) Reviewing periodic reports of personnel changes for regular employees and providing Performance Planning Worksheet (PPW) documents to the supervisor for new hires. Reviewing PPW documents and Performance Evaluation forms for job changes and supervisor changes and assisting supervisors as requested.

b) Reviewing returned, completed PPW's and Performance Evaluation forms and entering those in the "Performance Master" data base and hard copy files.

c) Maintaining data base records and hard copy files for subsequent use. Supervisors will use PPW documents to prepare performance plans and use Performance Evaluation documents to conduct reviews and process these documents in accordance with stated guidelines.

4.2.3 Sample Forms - Sample copies of the PPW and Performance Evaluation forms are contained in Appendix 4A and at our website www.auburn.edu/administration/human_resources.