The Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship (AUJUS) showcases the top research and scholarly accomplishments of Auburn University undergraduate students. It publishes original research from students in any academic discipline. Research Articles and Highlights can be submitted by Auburn University undergraduate researchers at any time and are reviewed by faculty or disciplinary experts. The AUJUS is an interdisciplinary partnership between the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Office of University Writing.

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Auburn University Office of Undergraduate Research does not make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, or process disclosed. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Auburn University Office of Undergraduate Research or Auburn University thereof. The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein are not intended to reflect those of the Auburn University Office of Undergraduate Research or Auburn University thereof.

Recently Published Highlights and Articles

College of Liberal Arts

Distress Tolerance, Anxiety Sensitivity, and the Use of Cannabis as a Coping Mechanism

Madeleine E. Rein, Mallory J. Cannon, Julia Y. Gorday, and Richard Macatee

Justice System Contacts, Individual Differences, and Quality of Life
Maddy J. McDaniel, Olivia H. Sawyer, and Samantha J. Fede

Does Insight Moderate the Predictive Validity of a Neurophysiological Indicator of Cannabis Cue Reactivity for Predicting Behavioral Choice?
Natalie B. McBrayer, Brandon S. Schermitzler, B.S., Thomas J. Preston, M.S., and Richard J. Macatee, PhD.

Working Memory and the Odor Span Task in Humans
Kaitlyn A. DiThomas, Sarah Krichbaum, and Jeffrey S. Katz

Halbert College of Business

College of Science and Mathematics

Using Unoccupied Aerial Systems to Study the Effects of Wildflower Planting

Adeline Flach, Zachary Beneduci, Anthony Abbate, Geoffrey Williams, and Stephanie Rogers

Hemocompatibility of Branched Amphiphilic Peptide Capsules

Emilee Middleton, Ethan Oesterle, and Adriana Avila-Flores

A Flow Cytometric Approach to the Immunological Characterization of Periplaneta americana
Tessa Allen, Faith Boyer-Millander, Arthur Appel, Zakee Sabree, and Elizabeth Hiltbold-Schwartz

Ideal Gas Law Model for Presynapses and Presynaptic Vesicles

Henry Stephens, Noah Kim, Luca Cmelak, Mason Parkes, Paxton Wilson, and Michael Gramlich

Living in the Tensions: Investigations of Gender Identity and Performativity in STEM

R. Smith Strain, Noah Leibnitz, Reagan Ruben, Doris Li, and Eric Burkholder

College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Inequity By Design
Katherine Backlund and Robert Sproull

College of Agriculture

Localizing the Movement Protein (NSm) of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Nicotiana Benthamiana
Alexandra C. Rios, Abdelaal H.A. Shehata, Amanda Strayer-Scherer, and Kathleen M. Martin

Studying the Effect of Drought on Peanut’s Stomatal Characteristics: Development of an Automatic Detection Method

Spencer Rubin, Sajid Hanif, Alvaro Sanz-Saez, Jónathan Heras, and Ángela Casado García

Benzoic Acid Reduces Glycine Availability for Growth in Starter Pigs

M. Abigail Crosby, Paulo Henrique Amadeu de Azevedo, Alex C. Outlaw, and Marko Rudar

Measuring Xylem Characteristics for Drought Tolerance in Peanuts

Christopher Deveau, Sajid Hanif, Alvaro Sanz-Saez, Hasib Rahman, Tanzeel Rehman, Leah Hoffman, and Emily Graff

College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

Captive Coral Breeding Methods Influence Restoration Success
Madeleine Park, Kelly Dunning, and Janna Willoughby

Indications of Soil Alteration in Headwater Wetlands Using IRIS Films
Mary Ashlee Hughes, Christopher J. Anderson, and Thorsten Knappenberger

College of Education

Effects of Rear-Foot Center of Pressure on the Application of Forces During College Softball Hitting

Aubrie K. Lisenby, Anthony W. Fava, Billy Lozowsk, and Gretchen D. Oliver

Dual-Task Balance in Healthy Adults

Connor Cantrell, Danielle M. Lang, and Kristina A. Neely

College of Human Sciences

Analyzing the Use of Historical Chairs in Modern Media

Alissa L. Johnson, Darby Huber, and Anna Ruth Gatlin, PhD.

College of Nursing

Harrison College of Pharmacy

Samuel Ginn College of Engineering

ExSiM: Explainable Methodology to Upgrade Sentence Similarity Metrics to Document-Level
Matthew “Hugh” C. Williams Jr. and Shubhra Kanti Karmaker (“Santu”)

Scalable Production of Microfluidic Devices for Hydrogel Microsphere Production
Benjamin Gunasekaran, Yuan Tian, and Elizabeth Lipke

College of Veterinary Medicine

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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025 @ 6:08 pm