The Auburn Chemistry Society (ACS) is a group for students who are interested in chemistry or related fields. The ACS is open to all students, not strictly to chemistry majors. We function as an academic and a service organization. Typical yearly events include:
Refer to the AU Involve page for photos: link to page.
Biochemistry Major, senior
Vice President
Biochemistry Major, senior
ACS members enjoy performing fun and interactive science demonstrations for kids in the community to foster interest in science. In the past, we have taken part in outreach at Boy Scout meetings, Boys and Girls Club, Mole Day, and Blood Drives. For example, we have previously travelled to local Boy Scout meetings and Loachapoka Elementary School for fun-filled chemistry demos!
Mole Day is celebrated nationally each year on October 23 to commemorate Avogadro’s Number (6.02x1023) and to promote interest in chemistry. Each year, ACS participates in Mole Day by setting up a booth with an odd-shaped jar filled with candy. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to guess how many moles of candy are in the jar, and the person with the closest guess wins a prize! This celebration of Mole Day coincides with the Annual ACS Bake Sale, a fundraising event where our members provide delicious baked goods to sell to hungry Auburn students.
ACS meetings always include food, so come hungry! We usually serve pizza, and we have a farewell BBQ each spring. In addition, we host faculty seminars about the faculty member's research program and about tips for applying to graduate school.
Every year, around early October, ACS holds its annual Blood Drive. This community outreach event is great for our club because not only does it foster involvement from the Auburn student body, but it also helps the Auburn community by providing between 25-30 pints of blood each year. Members are not required to donate blood, but they are encouraged to volunteer and rally students to donate blood to aid our local hospital!
AU Involve Page for the club
Auburn Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
American Chemical Society (national society page)
To contact the Auburn Chemistry Society, simply email one of the officers or the faculty advisor. Our mailing address and location are also included below.
Kirklin McWhorter, President (email)
Troy Ferguson, Vice President (email)
Kevin Wyss, Secretary/Treasurer (email)
Auburn Chemistry Society
ATTN: Prof. Easley
179 Chemistry Building
Auburn, AL 36849
The Chemistry Building (campus location here: Auburn Map), where our meetings are held, is located just to the west side of Mell Street, near Samford Avenue. The building is on the opposite side of Mell Street from Upchurch Hall and behind the Corley Building.
To become a member of the Auburn Chemistry Society, stop by the next monthly meeting, sign up with one of the officers, and pay your dues. Alternatively, you could email an officer to have your name added to the list.
If you are not sure about signing up, feel free to attend the next meeting to feel it out. If you are interested in chemistry as well as education and outreach to the community...and you like pizza, it should be a great fit!
Those of you interested in signing up for the national ACS can get more information at the meetings.