Ay, Caramba!! Woke up (the other side of having been asleep!) this morning
to calm waters and land! It’s the most beautiful landscape you’ll ever
see. Looming, large, oh, so large. Toto, hold on to those ruby slippers
for now, I’m stayin’!!
The decks are a-buzz with activity. First and earliest, the deck hands
were out with large rubber mallets, ‘hammering’ the ice off the decks,
rails, and necessary equipment (including the zodiac).
We are at this location on a mission to deliver supplies food, a
generator to a Canadian crew anchored near an abandoned station that we
can see from the ship. Our inflatable
plus two of theirs get into the fray of delivery and retrieval. They
deliver to us their …refuse, and retrieve from us their needed cargo. The
LMG is hovering (not anchored) about a mile from where the Canadian boat is
anchored. It took nearly 2 hours to make the exchanges.
Decks are open again, the water is like glass, everyone is out, and the
Camera is King. We are in Dallmann Bay near the Melchior Islands, all
named for Greek letters. One is round-topped, another jagged, another
appears mostly made of snow and ice with huge crevasses making it look like
it’s about to break apart. It seems more like a harbor because of the
overlapping of islandscape. Grey, then gray-blue, then ‘sky blue pink’
(Pam) and pink and finally white. The sun is fully up around 10:00, and at its peak is not
higher than the island mountain peaks themselves. We’ll enjoy the sun’s
light until maybe 3:30pm and then the moon and its accompanying planet
(Venus?) will reign over the mountained horizon again.
This bay is flat calm, and the water is pockmarked with small icebergs. We
can see by its gray hue that the water surface is freezing closer to
shore. Izzy Williams spotted some “mammal activity!!” in the distance,
near that gray frozen zone. We were able to identify a pod of killer
whales, orcas, feeding about 1.5 miles away! When the philanthropic
exercise was over, Larry Brissette (3rd Mate) maneuvered the ship nearer to
the whales so we could watch them and capture them on film. Everyone
(except Larry, of course) was out on the bow trying to catch an image of
the beauty that would do them justice tall black fins and bodies glinting
in the sun, about 10 or so whales with the Antarctic skyline in the
Getting to Know You
Orcinus orca, the Killer Whale, is the largest member of the dolphin
family. It is usually seen feeding at the ice edge as well as in open
Antarctic waters, and usually in close herds of 5-10. Orcas feed on fish,
squid, penguins and other seabirds, seals, and dolphins. Herds usually
contain adults of both males and females, as well as calves and juveniles,
with the oldest female usually being dominant (and adult males frequently
her offspring). Its blow profile is low and bushy rather than
vertical. The dorsal fin on the male is tall and straight, compared to the
female’s shorter and sometimes curled fin. They have distinctive black and
white coloring, including a large oval spot above each eye. [We saw a herd
of maybe a dozen orcas of all sizes, including a fairly small calf. This
source indicates that calves are usually born in autumn and winter, so this
may have been quite a new baby.]
[Shirihai, H. 2002, A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife, The Birds and
Marine Mammals of the Antarctic Continent and the Southern Ocean. Finland:
Alula Press Oy]
Back to the Science
Plankton tows were done in the Bay with great success with several of the
larval types Rudi Scheltema is especially looking for (including bipinnaria
and brachiolaria [adult = starfish], pilidium [worm], spionid [worm]), and
tonight we are steaming to another waypoint to perform a full set of tows
and a benthic dredge. In the morning we will arrive at Palmer Station.
Catch of the Day
Andy Mahon provided this shot of the orcas in Dallmann Bay. (See photo on right)
So, don't hesitate to email
questions to us at outreach@lmg.usap.gov
S64° 20.415’ W62° 59.829’
Wind: Light S about 5kn
Air Temp: -3.2°C Wind Chill: -3.8°C
Pepper steak, fish, mixed corn vegs, salad; Vegetable quiche,
pork chops, roast potatoes, rice, cream of broccoli soup, green beans,
salad, cheesecake, sheet cake and cookies.

Gustavo Canas and Emilio Sorio chop ice off of the
foredeck. [Photo by Cpt. Martin Galster]

Abandoned Argentine station in
cut, left of center. Sunrise. [Photo by Ellen Bailey]

Loading supplies for Canadian boat and crew. [Photo by Cpt. Martin Galster]

Dallmann Bay. [Photo
by Steve Rupp]

Camera clique E. Bailey, P. Polloni, R.
Waller, W. Jaeckle, S. Balser

Andy Mahon provided this shot of the orcas in Dallmann Bay.

Pam Polloni and Jen Putland [Photo by E. Bailey]

Iceberg with ‘pond’ in front right corner. [Photo by E. Bailey]