Rothera and Ryder Bay
The first daylight operations are taking place in Ryder Bay. We are facing
Anchorage Island, with Donnelly Island to the left of it. On our starboard
is a view of Rothera Point on Adelaide Island, and the British Rothera Base
is tucked in an inlet there. Guinness anyone? Rick L. suggests, “I’ll bet
they’ll deliver!!”. Ah, but the show must go on. Among other things, 2
fish traps are put out in the bay at noon. They will sit on the bottom for
12 hours, and we will return to retrieve them via their GPS location, plus
the orange floats with flashing light system. The hope is to get intact,
live benthic ‘volunteers’ for, among others the starfish collection.
Friday night’s benthic trawl was another rock trawl. I mean really, a rock
trawl. Several rocks were retrieved safely from the ocean
floor. Fortunately, the benthic critters that accompanied them were
identifiable for the specimen collection. They continue to see a great
diversity in the types of critters they gather, both individually and by
family. The students and the Chief Scientist are very happy with the
results so far.
In the course of hauling rocks along with the critters, the nets take a
terrible beating, tumbling those rocks along the ocean floor. We are
fortunate to have a wonderful Chilean seaman, Gustavo Canas Rodriguez, who
before this gig was a fisherman for 22 years in many parts of the
world. His skills at mending nets have been a godsend. He has also shown
us new ways to attach lines that make them pass through rigging more
efficiently. We are pleased to have Gustavo in our midst for his
professional skills as well as his very pleasant manner.
[2 Photos by Pam Polloni]
Getting to Know You
Dr. Jennifer Putland writes…
I recently completed a PhD in Biological Oceanography from Florida State
University. The study site for my research was Apalachicola Bay, a highly
productive estuary located in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The Bay serves
as a habitat and nursery to a wide variety of commercial and sport fish
species such as oyster, sheepshead, seatrout, herring, shrimp, and blue
crab. The high productivity is the result of the Apalachicola River
delivering freshwater and nutrients to the Bay. Freshwater moderates
salinity in the Bay which creates a suitable habitat for estuarine flora
and fauna. Nutrients delivered to the Bay support high levels of
phytoplankton productivity which, in turn, supports secondary productivity.
Diversion of water from the watershed that feeds the Apalachicola River has
been proposed for the summer in order to satisfy domestic and agricultural
needs. A detailed understanding of the ecology of key constituents of the
estuarine food web, such as phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Bay would
be valuable in predicting the impact of river water diversion on
Apalachicola Bay. Based upon the results of my dissertation, reduced river
discharge during summer can be expected to reduce phytoplankton and
zooplankton productivity and as a result higher trophic level (e.g. fish,
oysters, crab) productivity in Apalachicola Bay. The data acquired from
this study can be used to help manage discharge from the Apalachicola River
so as to maintain the productivity of Apalachicola Bay.
Within the next two years, I will be studying the ecology of krill in the
Antarctic as well as the ecology of microzooplankton in Florida estuaries.
Although these areas of research are distinct, they are similar in that
both krill and microzooplankton are key components of the planktonic food
web in the Antarctic and estuaries in Florida, respectively. Studies which
improve our understanding of their ecology are needed, especially as they
relate to climate change, pollution, and river water diversion.
Don't hesitate to email
questions to us at
S67° 38.234’ W68° 14.209’
Wind: N 23kn
Air Temp: 3.1°C
Wind Chill: -11.2°C
Surface Water Temp: -1.582°C
Ribeye steak, salmon, asparagus, spinach, salad; Hot wings,
chili, vegs, rice, salad, frosted brownies, cake, bread pudding and cookies.

MTs Rick Lichtenhan and Stian Alesandrini ready the fish traps.
[Photo by Pam Polloni]

MT Rick Lichtenhan javelin-throws the beacon into the bay to mark the trap.
[Photo by Steve Alexander]

Chief Sci. Ken Halanych is a happy guy, going home with the coffers full.
[Photo by Ellen Bailey]

Gustavo steps in to help out on deck. Gustavo’s handiwork is
clearly seen on this net repair.

Dr. Jennifer Putland
[Photo by E. Bailey]

Pam Polloni and Rudi Scheltema, ready for a plankton tow.
[Photo by Rhian Waller]

Green dots show where plankton has been taken
along the peninsula. [Photo by E. Bailey]

This iceberg has a 3-car garage in Ryder Bay near Rothera Station. [Photo
by Steve Alexander]

We expect these fish traps will lure bottom-crawling treasures. [Photo by
Rhian Waller]

Stian (r) says, “You, You and You Net!!!, You and You - Cod end!” Steve
(l) is amused ..and awed.
[Photo by Pam Polloni]