
Applied Mathematics Seminar

Time: Mar 13, 2015 (02:00 PM)
Location: Parker Hall 328


Speaker: Kbenesh W. Blayneh, Department of Mathematics, Florida A&M University

Title: Vertically transmitted vector-borne diseases and the effects of climate conditions on disease dynamic

Abstract: The transmission dynamics of vector-borne diseases which are vertically transmitted in the vector as well as in the host population is analyzed using a system of nonlinear differential equations.  It is assumed that some proportions of immigrants are already exposed to the disease.  Results show the impacts of vertical transmission, extrinsic incubation period and the disease-induced death rates of hosts on the epidemic level and persistence of vector-borne diseases. Further, the assessment of these and the effectiveness of interventions are carried out using analytical and numerical techniques.   Related results on vector-borne diseases where vertical transmissions are not included will also be presented.