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Design Interaction 2014


Industrial design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer. As a distinct discipline that works in collaboration with both marketing and engineering, industrial design focuses efforts on developing how products, environments, and interfaces look, feel, and function from a user perspective. Examples of industrial design projects can include areas of transportation, furniture, consumer products, exhibits, and user interface.

The Industrial Design Department at Auburn University prepares students by offering a wide range of training and instruction in user research, design methodology, concept development, prototyping, and computer simulation/modeling. Students also gain unique insights into the design profession through annual international studio programs in both Ireland and Taiwan .

Collaborative projects with industry also offer students an invaluable opportunity to work with clients while generating fresh design solutions for companies. Industry collaborations include projects with 3M, IBM, Frigidaire, NASA, Brother International, Broan-Nutone, and Emerson Tool Company.

Auburn Industrial Design offers:
Bachelor of Industrial Design

Bachelor of Environmental Design
(post baccalaureate)

Master of Industrial Design

Last modified: Wednesday, 24-Sep-2014 17:08:32 CDT

Taiwan Program

Ireland Program 2015

Summer Studio

Design Workshop

Annual Seating Green Competition

IDSA Student Chapter

Copyright 2014 -- Auburn University.Department of Industrial Design. Question about our programs? Please contact Department Head Prof. Clark Lundell at
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