Jack B. Brown
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Auburn University, AL 36849-5310
Parker Hall 340

Fields: Real Analysis and Applied Probability and Statistics
Teaching Awards:
Editor Emeritus" of the
Real Analysis Exchange:
Was active Contributing Editor for 10 years, 1993-2003, and was
by the Real Analysis Exchange at the 2009 Summer Symposium in
Real Analysis.
Co-organizer, along with colleague
Geraldo deSouza, of 19-year series of biannual Miniconferences on Real Analysis and Harmonic
Analysis (NSF funded for last 16 years). Schedules and some
conference photos available at Miniconcerence pages.
Recent publications:
- Differentiable restrictions of real functions
(pdf), Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 108 (1990), 391-398.
- Continuous-, derivative- and differentiable-restrictions of
measurable functions (pdf),
Fund. Math. 141 (1992), 85-95.
- Order independence and factor convergence in iterative scaling
Lin. Alg. and Appl. 190 (1993), 1-38, (with P. J. Chase and A. O.
- Restriction theorems in real analysis (pdf),
Real Analysis Exchange 20(2) (1994/5), 510-526.
- Intersections of continuous, Lipschitz, Hölder class, and smooth
functions (pdf),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 1157-1165.
- C1-Intersection variant of Blumberg's theorem (pdf), Tatra Mtns. Math. Pubs. 24 (1998/9),
- A simple proof that (s)/(s)0 is a complete Boolean
algebra (pdf), Real Analysis Exchange 14(2) (1998),
127-136 (with S. Baldwin).
- Nowhere monotone functions and functions of nonmonotonic type (pdf), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999),
173-182, (with U. Darji and E. Larsen).
- Marczewski-Burstin-like characterizations of sigma-algebras, ideals,
and measurable functions (pdf), Colloq. Math.
127 (1999), 277-286, (with H. Elalaoui-Talibi).
- Mathematicians in Industry: Experiences of one high-tech migrant
worker (pdf), Alabama Journal of
Mathematics 25 (Fall 2001), 3-22.
- Smooth interpolation, Hölder continuity, and the Takagi - van der
Waerden function (pdf), Amer. Math. Monthly
110 (2003), 142-147 (with G. Kozlowski).
Recent invited lectures:
Southeastern Section Meeting,
Mathematical Association of America, Carson Newman College, April, 1994
(was 1994 Section Lecturer).
- Joint US-Poland Conference and
Workshop - "Problems in Real
Analysis", Lodz, Poland, June, 1994. Picture
of Jack at Polish Academy (in Warsaw) under the portrait of Edward
2Oth Summer Symposium in Real Analysis, Univ. of Windsor,
Canada, June, 1996
- Summerschool on Real Functions Theory,
organized by the Slovak Academy of Sciences, September, 1996.
- Workshop
on Set Theory and Applications to Topology and Real Analysis, Gdansk
Poland, June, 1999.
- Gave the 2001 Lewis-Parker Lecture at the 51st
annual meeting of the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics
(AACTM), held at U. West Ala. in February, 2001
Symposium on General Topology and Abstract Analysis held
at Youngstown State Univ. March 23-26, 2001
- Gave the 2005
South Carolina MAA State Dinner Lecture.
Applied Experience: 25 summers plus 1 year at various
research centers in the US, including:
- Sandia National Laboratory (Albuquerque, NM).
- National Security Agency (Ft. Meade, MD).
- Center for Communications Research (Princeton, NJ).
- Center for Analysis (Newport Beach, CA).
- Bell Laboratories (Holmdel, NJ).
- Center for Computing Sciences (Bowie, MD).
- TRW Strategic Defense Systems Group (San Bernardino, CA). Click
here for picture of former TRW employees
now on AU Math faculty.
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