Elvan Ceyhan (last name pronounced as "Jay-han") | |||||
Marguerite Scharnagle Endowed Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics & Co-director of Consortium Center of Data Science Innovation at Auburn University |
Auburn University | |||||
Contact/Office Address: 203 Extension Hall phone: (334) 844 3613 e-mail: ceyhan [at] auburn [dot] edu (or ezc0066 [at] auburn [dot] edu) |
11. E. Ceyhan, J.C. Wierman, and P. Xiang. Law of large numbers for a two-dimensional class cover problem. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 25:376-407, June 2021.
10. S. Bahadır and E. Ceyhan. On the number of weakly connected subdigraphs in random kNN digraphs. Discrete & Computational Geometry. 65(1): 116-142, January 2021.
9. A. Manukyan and E. Ceyhan. Classification using proximity catch digraphs. Machine Learning. 109(4): 761-811, DOI: 10.1007/s10994-020-05878-4, May 2020.
8. A. Manukyan and E. Ceyhan. Classification of imbalanced data with a geometric digraph family. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(189):1-40, 2016.
7. E. Ceyhan, Segregation indices for disease clustering. Statistics in Medicine, 33(10):1662-1684, May 2014.
6. V. Aksakalli and E. Ceyhan. Optimal obstacle placement with disambiguations. Annals of Applied Statistics, 6(4):1730-1774, December 2012.
5. E. Ceyhan, M. Hosakere, T. Nishino, J. Alexopoulos, R. D. Todd, K. N. Botteron, M. I. Miller and J. T. Ratnanather. Statistical analysis of cortical morphometrics using pooled distances based on labeled cortical distance maps. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40(1): 20-35, March 2011.
4. E. Ceyhan. Extension of one-dimensional proximity regions to higher dimensions. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 43(9):721-748, November 2010 [This article was also featured at VerticalNews service of NewsRx.com].
3. E. Ceyhan. Overall and pairwise segregation tests based on nearest neighbor contingency tables. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53(8):2786-2808, June 2009.
2. E. Ceyhan. The distribution of the domination number of class cover catch digraphs for non-uniform one-dimensional data. Discrete Mathematics, 308(23):5376-5393, December 2008.
1. E. Ceyhan, C. E. Priebe and D. J. Marchette. A new family of random graphs for testing spatial segregation. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 35(1):27-50, February 2007.
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Last modified December 20, 2022.