Selected conference lectures:
- International Symposium in Honour of Samuel Eilenberg, Torun, Poland, June 1993.
- Maryland-Penn State Regional Conference on Dynamical Systems and
Related Topics, Maryland, March 1994.
- Topology Fest, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, May 1994.
- Topology and Dynamical System Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August, 1994.
- American Mathematical Society Meeting, AMS Invited Lecture, Orlando,
Florida, March 1995.
- Dynamical Systems Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1995.
- Banach Center Symposium on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Warsaw, Poland, June 1995.
- 'Geometrie Complexe et Systemes Dynamiques' conference
in honor of Adrien Douady, Orsay, France, July 1995.
- 'Dynamische Systeme' Conference, Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1995.
- Joint Mathematics Annual Meeting, MAA Invited Lecture, Orlando, Florida,
January 1996.
- Topology Conference: in honor of Kazimierz Kuratowski and
Karol Borsuk, Warsaw University and the Institute of Mathematics of
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, May 1996.
- 'Dynamische Systeme' Conference, Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1997.
- ICM-98, Berlin, Germany, August 1998.
- Joint Mathematics Annual Meeting, Noether Lecture,
San Antonio, Texas, January 1999.
- Topology Conference, Chico, California, June 2000.
- CBMS Lecture Series, Principal Lecturer, Macon,
Georgia, 10-14 July 2000.
- Summer Topology Conference and Dynamical Systems Conference, Miami University,
Oxford, Ohio, July 2000.
- National University of Mexico (UNAM) Lecture Series,
Principal Lecturer, Mexico City, January/February 2001.
- Discrete Geometry, Budapest, Hungary, July 2001.
- Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, Northern Bohemia, Czech
Republic, July 2001.
- Geometric Topology and Geometric Group Theory Workshop, Gainesville, Florida,
March 2002.
- Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems Workshop, Krakow, Poland, June 2002.
- Summer Topology Conference and Dynamical Systems Conference, Auckland,
New Zealand, July 2002.
- Dynamical Systems Conference, Plenary Lecture, Denton, Texas, May 2003.
- Summer Topology Conference and Dynamical Systems Conference, Washington,
DC, July 2003.
- 'Dynamische Systeme'', Oberwolfach, Germany, July 2003.
- Nipissing University, Topology Conference, North Bay, Canada, May 2004.
- University of Delaware, International Workshop on Geometric Methods in
Dynamical Systems, Delaware, June 2004.
- International Conference and Workshops on Geometric Topology
honoring Karol Borsuk's life and work on the 100th anniversary of his birth, Plenary Speaker,
Mathematics Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, B{\c e}dlewo, Poland, July 2005.
- 'Dynamische Systeme'', Oberwolfach, Germany, July 2005.
- Eighth Annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women, Plenary Speaker, Feb 2006.
Title: {\em From Fixed Points to Dynamics}
- Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Keynote Speaker, Statesboro, Georgia, July 2006.
- Dynamics Ideas in Geometry, Topology and Number Theory,
Conference Honoring Svetlana Katok's 60th Birthday,
Penn State, University Park, May 5-6, 2007
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Meeting, Minisymposium on Applied Topological Dynamics, Snowbird, Utah, May 2007.
- Lecture related to the acceptance of Waclaw Sierpinski Medal, Warsaw, Poland.
- 'Dynamische Systeme' Conference, Oberwolfach, Germany, July
Selected colloquia:
- Oxford University, Oxford, England, April 1987.
- Polish Mathematical Society, Bialystok, Poland, May 1987.
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, June 1993.
- University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, November 1993.
- Rice University, Houston, Texas, February 1994.
- Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, March 1994.
- MSRI-Evans lecture, Berkeley, California, September 1994.
- Stanford University, Stanford, California, October 1994.
- University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, December 1994.
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, January 1995.
- Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, February 1995.
- University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, Millikan
Lecture, April 1999.
- Annual Undergraduate Colloquium, University of Kansas, Lawrence,
Kansas, April 2000.
- Tulane University, September 2002.
- University of California, Davis, May 2003.
- Emmy Noether Day, Principal Speaker, Lubbock, Texas, May 2003.
- University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, March
- University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March
- Cornell University, New York, April 2005.
- Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, April 2005.
- Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, December 2005.
- University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, February 2006.