Catherine S. McVay Instructor; Laboratory Coordinator Office Location: 315 Science Center Laboratory Bldg. Mailing Address: 101 Rouse Life Sciences Bldg. Auburn University, AL 36849 Tel: 334-844-7069; Fax: 334-844-1645 Email Catherine S. McVay | ||||||||||||||
Ph.D. - Medical Microbiology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center McVay CS, Velásquez M, and Fralick JA. Phage therapy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a mouse burn wound model. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2007. 51(6):1934-1938. Woolley RC, Vediyappan G, Anderson M, Lackey M, Ramasubramanian B, Jiangping B, Borisova T, Colmer JA, Hamood AN, McVay CS, Fralick JA. Characterization of the Vibrio cholerae vceCAB multiple-drug resistance efflux operon in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 2005. 187(15):5500-5503. Gagliardo L, McVay CS and Appleton JA. Molting, ecdysis, and reproduction of Trichinella spiralis are supported in vitro by intestinal epithelial cells. Infect. Immun. 2002. 70(4):1853-1859. McVay CS and Rolfe RD. In vitro and in vivo activities of nitazoxanide against Clostridium difficile. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2000. 44(9):2254-2258. McVay CS, Bracken P., Gagliardo L, and Appleton J. Antibodies to tyvelose exhibit multiple modes of interference with the epithelial niche of Trichinella spiralis. Infect Immun. 2000. 68(4):1912-1918.