Administrative and Professional Assembly

January 23, 1996

3:00 p.m. - Room 213, James E. Foy Union Building

Jim Stone, The Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. Representatives present: Shawn Asmuth, Fred Bobo, Alesia Boyd, Kim Durbin, Carl Gagliano, Robert Gottesman, Teresa Hall, Ellyn Hix, Angie Jacobs, Bruce Lewis, Catherine Love, Minnie Melton, Michael Miller, Liza Mueller, Betty Reese, Peggy Stallworth, Jim Stone, Sherry Sydnor, Ted Trupp and Teresa Vest.

J. Stone welcomed all in attendance and then outlined the agenda for the meeting. Following a review of the minutes from the November 29 meeting, B. Reese motioned to accept the minutes. T. Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

In charging the four Standing Committees of the Assembly, J. Stone thanked the committee members for agreeing to serve, and outlined their responsibilities as defined in the A&P Constitution. Committee members were encouraged to quickly become familiar with the A&P Constitution, to be bold and experimental in defining their roles, and to be patient as each discovers his/her role in this self-governance venture.

S. Asmuth was asked by J. Stone to soon convene both the Grievance Committee and the Welfare Committee in order to elect a chair for each. K. Durbin was asked by J. Stone to convene the Calendar Committee and the Professional Development Committee. Each committee is to submit a yearly report to the Executive Committee during August. Operating procedures should be on file with the Executive Committee by late May or early June.

Dr. Kent Fields, Chair of the University Senate, addressed the group concerning the role of the Senate and why they desire participation from the A&P Assembly in the form of a voting member. K. Fields commented that having members of the Assembly participate in the work of the University Senate would contribute towards the desire of the Senate to have input from the entire University community. Lengthy discussion was held concerning the Senates offer. T. Vest motioned for a vote to determine if the Assembly should immediately act to decline or accept the offer of a seat for an A&P representative on the Senate. R. Gottesman seconded the motion and the motion carried.

T. Hall motioned that the A&P Assembly respectfully decline the invitation of the Senate for the voting position. R. Gottesman seconded the motion and the motion carried. A motion was made by P. Stallworth and seconded by F. Bobo to table all further discussion of this Senate issue until the next meeting. Motion carried.

Discussion was held concerning sites for future Assembly meetings. B. Lewis motioned, and was seconded by C. Love, to continue meeting in Room 213 of Foy Union Building through the end of 1996. R. Gottesman asked that the issue of A&P representation on University Committees be put on the agenda for the next Assembly meeting.

At 4:40 p.m. S. Asmuth motioned for adjournment. B. Lewis seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Durbin
