Administrative and Professional Assembly

June 20, 2007

2:30 p.m.

Broun Hall Auditorium


Meeting Minutes

(Approved Sept. 19, 2007)


Call to Order

            Maria Folmar, Chair of the Assembly, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Roll Call

Representatives Present: Christopher O'Gwynn, Lisa Powell, Seth Humphrey, Julie Nolen, Katie Mantooth, Phillip Coxwell, Lisa Fleming, Teresa Logiotatos, April Staton, Ellen McManus, John Owen, David Hennessey, Robert McKinnell, Maria Folmar, Drew Burgering and Todd Storey (16)


Representatives Absent: Kirsten Perkins, Barnese Adair-Wallace (provided sub), Mark Wilson, Greg Ruff (provided sub), Jane Hoehaver and John Folmar (6)


            Number of A & P Members Present: 18



It was agreed that we would alter the agenda to allow President Ed Richardson to speak before we approved the minutes.

He commented on the following:

He acknowledged that this will be the last time he addresses the Assembly as president, and wanted to recognize A&P as having a critical role in straightening out Auburn University (AU) and will continue to have a role in the transition that begins July 16 as AU welcomes a new president. He said that AU has had a tumultuous 25 years, and it is easy to resort to old ways and complaints. He recognized that the first eight months will be critical for Dr. Gouge so he can observe where AU is headed and set his priorities in establishing the direction he wishes to guide the University in going. Our role is to help the University run during this time…even if a quarterback gets all of the attention, it takes the entire team for them to function and win.

Dr. Richardson shared that a lesson he learned is that people tend to duck and wait, not making decisions or taking action in times of conflict. He encouraged us to keep up our momentum when Dr. Gouge gets here.

Three of the several goals he set and achieved were to remove SACS probation which was done in a year. The second goal was to establish institutional control (showing that the president is in charge), and the third goal was to conduct a presidential search. He shared that before starting that search, they had to improve the atmosphere…bad publicity, three presidents in four years, etc. He endorsed Dr. Gouge’s competency to take AU to new heights multiple times.

He mentioned that most positions that report to the president are “term positions” that recognize they may not have a job under a new president. Dr. Gouge will assess the current staff and assess if they meet his needs or not.

Dr. Richardson said this was the best legislative years in a long time and that has enabled us to fund several initiatives: salary increases and increased allocation.

It is a trend in higher education to expand its walls…and reach. He expects that to be a continued conversation at AU as we strive to place ourselves strategically in AL (one of 14 public institutions in the state while FL with a larger population supports 11 public institutions) and in the country as we will compete more and more with cheaper options such as University of Phoenix.

AU is in the best financial situation ever. Facilities are coming along…we are furthering the completion of the “master plan.” We will continue to strive for a better national reputation.

He opened the floor for questions and addressed the following:

Todd Storey asked about his availability in the transition period, and Dr. Richardson shared that he has made himself available but will be moving to Montgomery to give Dr. Gouge space.

Lisa Fleming asked if upper administration is aware that for the past five summers summer enrollment has been down due to the fact that students can’t get the classes they need here at AU. Dr. Richardson said that they are aware of this and as they have a goal to cap enrollment at 25,000 including graduate students, they will continue to face faculty load and classroom use issues. One of his ideas is to build the relationship with Auburn University at Montgomery to make it easier to take classes at both places. He admitted that the issue just never made it to the “top ten” on his “to do” list.

Harriette Huggins asked Dr. Richardson what he would do with his time after retirement. He shared that he will go back to Montgomery, ultimately build a house in Auburn and “wash out” the past two jobs as he has been in administration for 45 years. He also hopes to travel.

Maria Folmar then presented Dr. Richardson with a letter and read through it. The text of the letter is below:

Edward R. Richardson, Ed.D.


Auburn University

107 Samford Hall
Auburn, Alabama 36849

Dear Dr. Richardson:

The Administrative and Professional Assembly would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the leadership you have exhibited during your service as President of Auburn University.  

The Assembly particularly recognizes your roles in stabilizing the University and preparing the University for a new president and for the future.  We especially note the following accomplishments made under your leadership:

·         Removal of Auburn University from SACS probationary status,

·         Intervention in questions surrounding the roles of members of the Board of Trustees,

·         Effective leadership during NCAA investigations,

·         Implementation of diversity as a core value,

·         Development of the Research Park,

·         Alternate fuel initiatives,

·         The active facilities maintenance and building program,

·         Increasing scholarships available to students,

·         Successful formation of alliance between AU & UA for increased State funding, and

·         The AU capital campaign.

The pride we all take in the accomplishments of the Auburn University sports teams should also be included.

We appreciate the interactions that we have had with the President’s Office.  The regular communications and inclusion of the Assembly in meetings and in decision-making processes has been noticed and is essential to increasing dialogue with A & P employees.

We recognize the many challenges that confronted you when you joined the University as Interim President, and appreciate your having actively dealt with many problematic issues.  The University is a more stable and healthy institution as a result.

Thank you for your dedicated service to the University.  We wish you well in future endeavors.




Maria T. Folmar

The Executive Committee

The Administrative and Professional Assembly

Approval of Minutes

            The minutes of the April 24, 2007 meeting were approved as corrected.


Comments from the Chair

Maria Folmar shared that members of the Assembly and the Executive Committee have been actively engaged in a variety of projects since they met in May.  In addition to participating in regularly scheduled meetings they have been engaged in planning for the Retreat, conducting the on-line priorities survey, developing a directory of representatives, participating in Dreamweaver software training, and setting a foundation for activities for the remainder of the year.

She shared that a major component of each of those items is continuing to actively engage A & P employees in discussion and reciprocal provision of communication.  In association with those efforts she thanked and recognized several individuals:

·         Altamese Stroud-Hill for the table top name plates, facilitated design and approval of the Assembly’s logo and presented her with a thank you letter.

·         Brandon Simmons and Cathy Ramey for providing Dreamweaver training, and developing the templates for ease in updating the A & P website.

·         Members of the Executive Committee – who are actively involved in providing leadership for the Assembly, much of which we’ll hear about as we progress through the agenda. 

Introduction to Place 13

April Staton first shared where the idea came about to have each Place introduce themselves and the details about those departments, colleges, etc. that they represent. The main goal is to make each of us more educated about the University as a whole so we can address questions more comfortably. Other representatives will continue the initiative at future meetings, and she will provide the check list/questions via email. The summary will also be posted on-line. She then educated us on the following things about Place 13:

Approximately how many employees (faculty and staff) are in the unit?

Pharmacy- 80

Nursing- 24

CADC- 100

Of those employees, what is the most years of service that anyone has?

Pharmacy: Several with  30 years +

Nursing: Recent retiree with 29 years

CADC: At least one with 30 year +

What degrees are offered?


Pharmacy: Pharm D, Masters and PhD in Pharmacal Sciences and Pharmacy Care Systems

Nursing: Bachelors (new Masters Degree started in Fall 2006)

Bachelors or Masters in Interior Architecture, Landscaping, Industrial Design, Community Planning and Building Science

How many students graduate annually?


Pharmacy: 115-120

Nursing: 75-95

CADC: 225

What is the typical entry level job for those graduates and what is their average starting salary?

Pharmacist: Average $45-50/hour

Nurse: Average $27-30/hour

Architects, Planners, Designers: $30-$100/hour depending on degree

No volunteer was assigned for the next introduction. They will solicit via email.


Retreat: April Staton reported that the retreat will be held next Wednesday in the Lowder Building Alabama Power room. Lunch will be served and Dr. Charlotte Sutton will motivate us with her presentation; Dr. William Sauser will present a refresher on Robert’s Rules and we will break into round tables to brainstorm ideas to share with Dr. Gouge.

Committee Reports

Grievance: Jennifer Barlow McDonald reported that the committee had only met for training.

Nominations and Elections: Michelle Owsley reported that the Nominations & Elections committee is seeing nominations to replace members of A&P committees whose terms end September 30, 2007. Terms are three years ending September 30, 2010. There are a few unexpired terms.

Nominations and Elections (Five places to be filled):  Three with terms expiring 2010; one unexpired term ending 2008; one unexpired term ending 2009.

Professional Development:  (Four places to be filled): Three places to be filled with terms ending 2010; one unexpired term ending 2008.

Welfare Committee:  Two places to be filled with terms ending 2010.

Calendar and Schedules Committee:  Two places to be filled with one term ending 2009 and one term ending 2010.

Grievance Committee:  Five places to be filled with terms ending 2010. The Constitution requires that there be at least one representative from each VP serving on the committee:  Executive V-P, Outreach, Student Affairs, Alumni, and 5th place can be from anywhere!

An electronic request will be distributed at a later date with details about the nomination process. Nominations will be emailed to AP Nominating (

Professional Development Committee: John Greene reported that the Professional Development Committee has met twice since January 1st and that their next meeting is scheduled with Lynne Hammond and Pat Deery on Monday, June 25th at 1:00 p.m.  After approximately two years of extensive work and investigation by our committee members, we submitted a recommended Consulting Policy to the A & P Assembly on February 20th, 2007.  The proposal was approved by the A & P Assembly, and sent to Don Large with a recommendation for approval.  At this time there has been no action taken on the proposed policy.  Drew Bergering was also involved in the editing of the final proposal.  Drew attended meetings concerning the Policy, with the A & P Executive Committee, Lynne Hammond, and Don Large.  Drew was very helpful and supported the committee in their efforts to put forth a fair and equitable policy for consideration.

At the meeting this coming Monday, they will discuss the new Classification Project and issues being raised by contract A & P employees who would like to see more Professional Development opportunities offered for this group.  This would include research fellowships and those on grant funding who may have been doing research as well as teaching over a long period of time.  These employees have indicated that they have fewer opportunities to travel to conferences and to attend educational seminars within their area of expertise.

Welfare Committee: Brenda Wood reported that she attends the insurance benefits committee meetings and the following items were presented to the Board of Trustees:

1)       Approved: Increase tax deferred annuities as of January 1 the amount will be increased.

2)       Not approved: That tuition benefits be extended to dependants of deceased employees.

3)       Approved: Pay for over-the-counter smoking secession products

4)       Approved: Increase the tier for health benefits, effective October 1

She asked that people let her know if they need the committee to look into anything.

Executive Committee: Todd Storey reported that the Executive Committee has met two times since the last Assembly meeting. He shared that the committee received 364 respondents to the survey and that they are taking steps to increase communications with the Assembly by creating a directory, website training, safety and security issues and creating information packets to be given to new University hires who are A&P employees. Updated A&P information will be added to the updated HR Handbook.

Calendar and Schedules Committee: Katie Mantooth had nothing to report for the committee. She briefly talked about the directory that will be distributed at the retreat and the information piece that is being created.

New Business

Victoria Tate announced that there will be an additional opening on the Professional Development committee as John Greene is leaving the University.

Open Forum

Victoria Tate asked about the appeals process. Maria Folmar shared that she has not gotten an update as of the meeting. John Greene committed to follow-up on that. All communications are being channeled through Lynn Hammond and not much speculation is being offered as to when appeals will conclude.

Maria Folmar reminded attendees that the next meeting is Wednesday, September 19 and asked that everyone forward any concerns, etc. to her. Todd Storey interjected that the meeting will be held in Foy 213.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.