University Senate
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Broun Hall Auditorium, 3:30 p.m.
Call to order
Establishment of a Quorum
Approval of Minutes from November 5, 2013
Remarks and Announcements
Office of the President
Jay Gogue, President
Office of the Provost
Tim Boosinger, ProvostUniversity Senate Chair
Larry Crowley
Action Items:
Pending Action Items:
Information Items
1. Alabama Higher Education Partnership
Presenter: Gordon Stone, Executive Director
2. Outreach Scholarship and Faculty Engagement
Presenter: Dr. Chippewa Thomas, Director of Faculty Engagement
presentation (ppt)
3. Auburn University’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Department
Joan Hicken, Department Coordinator
presentation (ppt)
New Business: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair
Unfinished Business: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair
Adjournment: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair