Auburn University Senate
June 13, 2023
3:30 p.m.
Via Zoom
meeting will open 15 minutes prior for signing in early if you care to do so.
Establish a Quorum
All senators in attendance must participate in the canvas quorum poll (this is equivalent to the sign-in sheet during in-person meetings). Attendance records will be based on this poll.
Approval of minutes of the Senate meeting on May 16, 2023
Remarks and Announcements on University Matters
AU Senate Chair: Mark Carpenter
AU President: Christopher Roberts
AU Provost: Vini Nathan
Information Items
Announcement of Parliamentarian 2023-2024 Senate and Other Information.
Presenter: Lisa Kensler, Chair-Elect (Chair of 2023-2024 AU Senate)
Parliamentarian Bio (pdf)
Action Items
Vote on Senate Committee Rotations/Replacement Nominees. After this vote, all senate committee faculty positions will be filled.
Presenter: Octavia Tripp, Senate Secretary and Rules Committee Chair
Senate Committees nominees for new rotations and replacement of vacancies (pdf)
Vote on Proposal to create NTTF Teaching Professorships.
Presenter: Todd Steury, Past-Chair of AU Senate
NTTF Teaching Professorships Proposal (pdf)
New Business
Mark Carpenter, Senate Chair
Mark Carpenter, Senate Chair