AU Senate
June 11, 2024

Meeting called to order by AU Senate Chair, Dr. Lisa Kensler at 3:30 p.m.
All senators in attendance reminded to participate in Canvas quorum poll (this is equivalent to the sign-in sheet during in-person meetings).

Vote1 to identify quorum. A quorum was established with 51 respondents. [Canvas Count = 54]
Approval of the Senate Meeting Minutes from May 14, 2024 by unanimous consent.

Remarks and Announcements
University Senate Chair: Lisa Kensler shared remarks on Senate processes. Chair Kensler highlighted the progress made throughout the year with Senate Orientation and Luncheon for Committee Chairs; Two new Senate Committees: Policy Advisory and Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability, and Engagement (RISE); Support for AAUP Childcare Report; Faculty Salary and Welfare Committee Recommendations; and Teaching Professor Series Recommendations. Senate Orientation will be August 15, 2024, SAVE THE DATE

President Chris Roberts highlighted recent Board of Trustees meeting where preliminary 2025 budget was reviewed and supported including a 4% salary pool (guidelines will be sent to each unit to prepare for Fall). Significant increases are noted with expenses with large amounts noted in software and subscriptions. Camp War Eagle session numbers have increased. Facilities in construction are on time and much time devoted to ensure buildings are ready for students. Haley Center will be assessed in Fall 2024. Thanks expressed to Senate.  

Associate Provost Norman Godwin sharing remarks on behalf of Provost Vini Nathan: Dean searches updated with Dean Dawn Findley (from Rice Univ) announced for College of Architecture, Design and Construction; College of Nursing search unsuccessful and new search starting in Fall 2024. Dean Gregg Newschwander will remain on for year. Strategic Planning Committees finalized draft of thematic goals and subgoals after 20 iterations will be highlighted in Senate today. SB 129 workgroup is in progress with recommendations in progress. Portal for annual Faculty Awards now open with all encouraged to review website and nominate.  

Action Items
Vote re: Student Academic Grievance Policy Presenter: Chih-hsuan Wang stated this policy needs further revision and should be returned to committee. Dr. Wang moves to withdraw the motion and return to committee. Motion approved by unanimous consent as no objection noted. slides (pdf) text of proposed Policy Change (pdf)

Vote re: Senate Committee Membership (Nominations from Rules Committee) Presenter: Linda Gibson-Young Nominees for Senate Committees (pdf) Vote recorded in Canvas: Outcome of vote: Yes 51, No 0, and Abstained 0. [CANVAS totals: Y=44, N=0, A=0]

Vote re: Motion presented by Senator, Christine Schnittka and Seconded by Senator, Chris Martin Presenter: Christine Schnittka Vote recorded in Canvas. Outcome of vote: Yes 35, No 8, and Abstained 1. [CANVAS totals: Y=36, N=7, A=1]

In the spirit of transparency, we request that Provost Nathan, President Roberts, and Kelli Shomaker make a presentation as soon as possible regarding the upcoming budget and budget priorities. This presentation should include how faculty input and needs are included in the decision-making process of the budget.

Committee Reports
Retention Committee, Presenter: Melissa Partyka, Retention Committee Report of Retention Committee (pdf) Questions should be posed to Committee. Motion made for Senate to accept report from Retention Committee. Vote planned for August 2024.

Information Items
Strategic Plan Update Presenters: Kerry Inger, Hari Narayanan, Co-Chairs Strategic Planning Committee Strategic Plan Presentation (pdf) Questions should be posed to Co-Chairs of Committee.

Leadership Development at Auburn Presenter: Chris Richie, Human Resources Department LDWG Presentation (pdf) Questions should be posed to Presenter.
NEW AU Access Preview Presenter: Kelsey Prather, Office of Information Technology slide Presentation (pdf) Questions should be posed to Presenter.

New Business

Lisa Kensler, Senate Chair Senate at 5:50 PM

Meeting Attendance – June 2024
Senate Officers
Lisa Kensler, Chair
Lori Eckhardt, Chair-elect
Linda Gibson-Young, Secretary
Jaena Alabi, Secretary-elect
Mark Carpenter, Immediate Past-Chair

Paul Patterson, Dean, College of Agriculture
George Flowers, Dean, Graduate School
Jason Hicks, Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Mario Eden, Dean, College of Engineering
Joffrey Gaymon, VP Enrollment Mgmt.
Calvin Johnson, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine

Ex-Officio Members
Norman Godwin for Vini Nathan, Provost
George Stachokas sub for Shali Zhang, Dean of Libraries
Jack Hilton, SGA President
Kimberly McCadden, Staff Council Chair
Robert Cochran, Steering Committee
Octavia Tripp, Steering Committee
J Brian Anderson, Steering Committee

Senators by Departments
Xu (Joyce) Cheng, Accountancy
Roy Hartfield, Aerospace Engineering
Valentina Hartarska, Ag Economics & Rural Sociology
Kevin Moore, Architecture
Lauren Woods, Art
James Birdsong, Aviation
David Blersch, Biosystems Engineering
Kevin Smith, Communication and Journalism
David Han, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
Christine (Chris) Schnittka, Curriculum & Teaching
Murali Dhanasekaran, Drug Discovery and Development
Liliana Stern, Economics
Andrew Pendola, Educational Foundations, Leadership & Technology
Sunny Stalter-Pace, English
John Beckmann, Entomology & Plant Pathology
David Cicero, Finance
Nathan Whelan, Fisheries & Allied Aquaculture
Robert Gitzen, Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment
David King, Geosciences
Jan Kavookjian, Health Outcomes Research and Policy
Zachary Schulz, History
Elina Coneva, Horticulture
Diana Samek, Human Development & Family Studies
David Smith, Industrial Design
Rich Sesek, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Christopher (Brooks) Mobley, Kinesiology
Kasia Leousis, Libraries
Chris Reutzel sub for Liesl Wesson, Management and Entrepreneurship
Colin Gabler sub for Jeremy Wolter, Marketing
Hans Werner van Wyk, Mathematics and Statistics
Nicholas Tsolas sub for Sabit Adanur, Mechanical Engineering
Caralise Hunt sub for Chris Martin, Nursing
David Mixson, Outreach
Katherine Horzmann sub for Peter Christopherson, Pathobiology
Lena McDowell, Pharmacy Practice
David Miller, Philosophy
Luca Guazzotto, Physics
Alejandro A. Lazarte, Psychology
Latifat Cabirou, Special Ed. Rehab. Counseling/School Psych
David Strickland, Supply Chain Management (new)
LTC, Michael Quinn, ROTC Air Force
LTC, Laura Fryar, ROTC Army
Captain, Michael Witherspoon, ROTC Naval
Carole Zugazaga sub for Danilea Werner, Socio/Anthro/Social Work

Absent without substitute:
Kelli Shomaker, VP for Bus & Fin & CFO
Bobby Woodard, SVP for Student Affairs
Ed Thomas, Dean, COSAM
Soolim Jeong sub for Esther Akinrinda, GSC President
Josh Henderson, A&P Assembly Chair
Evelyn Hunter, Steering Committee
Mary (Molly) Gregg, ACES
Vinicia Biancardi, Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology
Jacek Wower, Animal Sciences
Rebecca Riggs, Biological Sciences
Jeff Kim, Building Sciences
Regina Gramling, Business Analytics and Information Systems
Elizabeth Lipke, Chemical Engineering
Wei Zhan, Chemistry
Joel Hayworth, Civil Engineering
Sanjeev Baskiyar, Computer Science & Software Engineering
Ann Presley, Consumer & Design Sciences
Michael Baginski, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Clark Danderson, Hospitality Mgmt.
Lee Johnson, Music
Kevin Huggins, Nutritional Sciences
Jonathan (Jon) Fisk, Political Science
Amit Morey, Poultry Science
Gregory Spray, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences
Adrienne Wilson, Theatre and Dance
Robert Cole, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Kerri Munoz, World Lang & Literatures