Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting
26 April 2010
3:30 PM, 206 Samford Hall
(by Dennis DeVries, Secretary)
In Attendance: Kathryn Flynn, Emmett Winn, Claire Crutchley, Ashley Nichols (non-member, SGA Vice President), Russ Muntifering, Larry Crowley, George Flowers (non-member, Graduate School Dean), Bob Locy, Jim Wright, Dennis DeVries
Absent: Mary Ellen Mazey, David Shannon, Bill Hames
--The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM
--The minutes of the 12 April 2010 Steering Committee meeting were approved without change.
--Ashley Nichols presented an overview of the changes to the Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures that are being worked on and proposed by the SGA. She provided 3 handouts to the Steering Committee members relative to the changes. There was substantial discussion of the changes, including some suggestions for clarification. The conclusion of the discussion was that there were still some changes that will be required, but Dr. Gogue wanted this to go to the faculty before it came to him, so it will need to come back to the Steering Committee for an additional review prior to going to the Senate at an upcoming meeting.
--George Flowers presented some changes that had been discussed and agreed upon by the Graduate Council relative to continuous enrollment, graduate faculty appointment and reappointment procedures, and a time limit policy. We discussed whether these need to go to the Senate, etc. and decided that they will likely come to the June Senate meeting as an information item.
--We then discussed the agenda for the 4 May 2010 Senate meeting. Much of this meeting will be taken up with a vote of the proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook, including numerous changes to the Promotion and Tenure process. We discussed how to approach these items, how to vote on each, etc. Also to be included in the meeting agenda is a report on the Honors College, and possibly a vote on final exam scheduling policy.
--The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.