Steering Committee Meeting
January 31, 2013
Samford Hall Room #206
3:30 pm
Robin Jaffe
University Senate Secretary

Minutes taken by
Judith Sheppard
University Senate Secretary-Elect

Bill Sauser, Larry Crowley, Judy Sheppard, Don Mulvaney, Mike Baginski, Emmett Winn, Bonnie McEwan, Sue Barry

Ann Beth Presley, Robin Jaffe, Laura Plexico, Larry Teeter


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting

    Minutes approved by voice response

  3. Preview of Bonnie MacEwan’s presentation on the Minors on Campus policy

    Bonnie McEwan previewed the PowerPoint she will present at Feb. 12 meeting from the “Ad             Hoc Committee to Review and Establish University Policies Regarding Minors on Campus.”

    Minors are defined as those under 19 years old and on campus. The draft of the policy would require background checks on those dealing with minors; the committee recommends a small committee/team to oversee any changes and make sure minors are monitored.

    Dr. McEwan said there seemed to be no problems and AU’s general policy is “not out of sync” with the 20 out of 57 institutions that responded to questions. The only question is that AU’s policy is a little more diverse and decentralized, but seems worth the risk.

  4. Preview of Sue Barry’s presentation regarding Phase Three of the Faculty Handbook

    Sue Barry previewed the report she’ll present on Feb.12 on Phase 3 of the Faculty Handbook revision. The document will be on line, and comments will be welcomed, with a deadline of March 1. The FHB committee will refer concerns to the appropriate committees, which will bring back the issues to the Executive Committee.

  5. Approval of agenda for February 12 Senate meeting

          Agenda for Feb. 12 University Senate Meeting

    Call to Order

    Establishment of a Quorum.
    Approval of Minutes from January 15, 2013 (LINK) Meeting

    Remarks and Announcements

     Office of the President
            Dr. Gogue, President

    University Senate Chair
            William Sauser
            Presentation (PPT LINK)

    Action Items

     1) Teaching Effectiveness Committee
          Presenter: Don Mulvaney, Chair of Teaching Effectiveness Committee
          Resolution from the Teaching Effectiveness Committee
          TEC Resolution 2012 ‐ #1 to Modify Membership (LINK)

    Action Items Pending

    1) Faculty Handbook Committee
          Presenter: Sue Barry, Chair of Faculty Handbook Committee

    Information Items  

    1) Minors on Campus Policy
          Presenter: Bonnie MacEwan, Dean Auburn University Libraries
          Presentation of Minors on Campus Policy (PPT LINK)

    Unfinished Business: William Sauser, Senate Chair
    New Business: William Sauser, Senate Chair
    Adjournment: William Sauser, Senate Chair

  6. Possible informational presentations for future Senate meetings

    A tentative agenda for the next steering committee will include the Conflict of Interest policy. Bill noted that the April meeting will be his last in terms of dealing with substantive matters, including the FHB and Conflict of Interest issue, and said that the May and June meetings should not involve significant Senate votes or action. Bill may ask committee chairs to make information reports at these meetings.

  7. Comments on Harassment/Discrimination video training (forwarded by Emmett)

    Emmett also brought up that HR wants to require faculty to watch an anti-harassment video; several members expressed their doubts.

    Judy Sheppard discussed the meeting of Multicultural Diversity Commission on Jan. 30. It was mainly an information meeting on the concerns of transgender students, who said they’d had almost no harassment but want an avenue to report transgender harassment specifically. The most common quandary was no unisex bathroom, which can be an issue of appearance. Vice President for Student Affairs Ainsley Carry indicated that the bathroom issue could be easily remedied. No action was taken.

  8. Comments on draft proposal from Teaching Effectiveness Committee (included in last meeting’s agenda packet)

    Don Mulvaney will present the only action item, a resolution from the Teaching Effectiveness Committee. He indicated that Dr. Wiebke Kuhn may also present.

  9. Alice Buchanan is chairing Nominating Committee; any prospective nominees?

  10. Other items of business as needed

    A discussion of why it’s so hard to get people to agree not only to be on committees but to be chairs; Larry suggested examining what departments contribute to shared governance and which don’t. Frustration was expressed over apathy. Mike suggested a report on parking, which was another issue that the president may address, particularly involving state vehicles.