Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, March 3, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
206 Samford Hall

Present: Larry Teeter (Chair), Laura Plexico (Secretary), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary-Elect), Emmett Winn, Sara Wolf,  Patricia Duffy (Immediate-Past Chair), James Goldstein (Chair-Elect), Lisa Kensler, Jared Russell, Emily Myers, Keven Yost, Constance Relihan

Absent: Timothy Boosinger

The first item of business was approval of the February 18, 2016 steering minutes.

Next the agenda for the general faculty meeting was discussed. Drew Clark will present information on the three new budget committees and how allocations are being made to the central units. Amanda Malone, special assistant to the Provost, may be able to discuss the aggregate results of the first quarter shadow year. The results from the senate election will be announced.

Additional possible items for the general faculty meeting were discussed. Scott Renner from the Office of Accessibility could be asked to come and present on how to make courses more accessible at the outset. It was suggested that someone could also come and talk about the new bike program. Facilities could come talk about the nursing building. Another topic could be telecommunications on campus. Someone could also come and talk about the Faculty Fellows for Transformational Leadership position.

At the next senate meeting there will be an information item on the Mell street corridor. The library will also be asked to come and describe the vision for the library in the future.

Rules needs to identify individuals who can serve on the P&T appeals committee.

Sara Wolf asked whether a statement could be made at the end of student evaluations that cautions students not to make comments that could be identifiable. Constance indicated she would bring that to the Teaching Effectiveness committee for consideration. Sara also asked about the boilerplate language associated with job applications. Human resources and General counsel are going to look into whether the language can be modified.

Adjourned 4:25