Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, March 17, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
206 Samford Hall

Present: Larry Teeter (Chair), James Goldstein (Chair-Elect), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary-Elect), Emmett Winn, Timothy Boosinger, Patricia Duffy (Immediate-Past Chair), Keven Yost, Benjamin Burmester and Jeffrey Dumars.

Absent: Laura Plexico (Secretary), Sara Wolf, Lisa Kensler, Emily Myers


Ben (Campus Planner) shared with the committee the Overview of Open Forum Response to the Mell Corridor Planning.

The previous proposed 24-h Faculty Parking or delaying open parking until after 6-pm or even 10-pm, as well as the AU Bikes program were briefly discussed and will need resolution. It was suggested that the Provost Boosinger would introduce Ben give a presentation like an Open Forum at the next senate meeting for discussion.

Following the discussion was the approval of the March 3, 2016 steering minutes.

Larry relayed questions from the Honors College about being represented on Senate committees where membership includes representatives of each ‘School and College’ as the Graduate School and Library are currently represented. This will require a look into whether the Handbook language can be modified or revised. Also carried forward was the question on membership decisions on the 3 new budget committees to be representative. Rule’s has recommended rotation of Chair/Head and faculty and Provosts have proposed rotation of Deans to have a broader representation.

Next Provost Boosinger asked Steering to identify faculty nominees to serve on two university committees: the Search Committee for the Dean of School of Pharmacy and the Search Committee for Associate Provost for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.  Both will need members of faculty, students, staff, and alumni, etc.

The Graduate tuition issue was raised again and there is a need for it to be looked at.

Another resurfaced issue was the inconsistency in practice of exempt employees taking leave among colleges/departments. This issue needs further discussion/clarification.

Adjourned 4:35 pm.