Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, May 12, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
206 Samford Hall

Present: Larry Teeter (Chair), James Goldstein (Chair-Elect), Laura Plexico (Secretary), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary-Elect), Emmett Winn, Sara Wolf, Lisa Kensler, Keven Yost, Paul Brown, Don Mulvaney

Absent: Timothy Boosinger, Emily Myers, Patricia Duffy (Immediate-Past Chair)

The first item of business was approval of the April 28, 2016 steering minutes.

First was discussion of the senate agenda. Sara Wolf brought up that there were some concerns raised about the copyright policy. They may make some minor wording changes to the policy and will highlight them during the meeting.

All remaining action items for the Senate meeting were discussed and it was confirmed that they are ready to present.

Paul Brown reviewed his presentation on the mission of Alabama Cooperative Extension. In his presentation he will review who they are, their core values, describe return on investment, where they are, and why individuals would partner with extension. He will conclude his presentation by describing the value of extension at Auburn University.

Lisa Kensler reviewed the Competency Based Education (CBE) presentation. She will share the charge and the findings of their investigation. She will talk about what CBE is and will ask for volunteers for an ad hoc committee.

The agenda for the May 17 senate meeting was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50.