Senate Steering Committee Minutes

March 9, 2017, 3:30-5:10
Samford 206

Present: James Goldstein (Chair), Larry Teeter (Immediate-Past Chair), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary), Donald Mulvaney (Secretary-Elect), Emmett Winn (Associate Vice-Provost), Lucretia Tripp, Jared Russell, Kelli Shomaker (CFO), Drew Clark (Director Institutional Research), Matthew Campbell (institutional Research), Keven Coonrod (Ombudsperson), Tiffany Sippial

Absent: Dan Svyantek (Chair-Elect), Lisa Kensler, Emily Myers, Timothy Boosinger (Provost)


The first item was approval of minutes from February 9, 2017.
Dr. Goldstein, Senate Chair, briefed on the status of college-level P&T committees; a faculty letter, recently sent to the Chair, concerning issues from CE with Institutional Review Board (IRB) process for social sciences; and a proposal to streamline student academic grievance currently under review by Student Academic Grievance Committee.

Kelli Shomaker (CFO) presented the updates on Strategic Budget Model, which will be presented to the Senate next month.

The next item was reports from Institutional Research. The 1st report was the NTTF contribution to percentage of SCH, presented by Matthew Campbell; the 2nd report was on the data of Academic Analytics, presented by Drew Clark, Director Institutional Research.

Followed was a report from the Office of the Ombudsperson, presented by Keven Coonrod.

The scheduled announcement on All Access from Russell Weldon, Assistant Director of AU Bookstore, was cancelled but Dr. Goldstein will be working with him on his presentation to the Senate next month.

The last item was approval of Senate agenda for March 21, 2017.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.