Minutes of Senate Steering Committee
February 8, 2018, 3:30-4:45
Samford 206


Present:   Dan Svyantek (Chair), Donald Mulvaney (Secretary), James Goldstein (Immediate-Past Chair), Michael Baginski (Chair-Elect), Beverly Marshall (Secretary-Elect), Bill Hardgrave (Provost), Emmett Winn (Associate Provost), Jared Russell and Michael Tillson

Absent: Lisa Kensler, Lucretia Tripp

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Svyantek at 3:30 pm and an agenda with attachments was provided. As a first item of business, the Steering minutes from January 11 were approved with minor edits.

David Pascoe, Humana Germany Sher Distinguished Professor – School of Kineseology, provided a preview of a Senate presentation regarding new ticket policies with implications for faculty.

Robin Jaffe, Chair of the Calendar Committee and the Ad Hoc Officer Candidate Committee, presented the slate of officer candidates to be voted upon prior to the General Faculty meeting.  He also presented and led discussion about the template for the 2020-2021 calendars.

Chairman Svyantek called upon Michael Fogle and Bob Ashurst of the Faculty Research Committee to update the group about Scholarship Incentive proposals. With robust discussion and supportive input from Provost Hardgrave, Steering recommended a delay in the presentation of a resolution to the full Senate pending additional study of possible frameworks for the incentivization program.

The agenda for the Senate meeting for 2/13/2018 which includes remarks from Provost Hardgrave, one Action Item of approving the 2020-2021 AU Calendar, and information items of the slate of Senate Officer Candidates, and a presentation of the new ticket policies, was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.

Prepared by:  D. Mulvaney, Secretary, AU Senate