Steering Committee Meeting
October 8, 2018, 3:30pm
206 Samford Hall

Present: Nedret Billor (Chair), Adrienne Wilson (Secretary), Don Mulvaney (Chair-Elect), Greg Schmidt (Secretary-Elect), Mike Baginski (Immediate Past Chair), Bob Norton, Jared Russell, Jong Won Hur, Bill Hardgrave, Emmett Winn
Absent: Michael Tillson

Chair Billor called the meeting to order at 3:30pm

Approval of Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/10/19: Approved.

Senator Survey Results: Presented by Adrienne Wilson, Secretary
An overview of the responses was outlined in a Power Point format. Clarifications about parental/family leave policy were added concerning the fact that currently there is no formal parental leave policy at Auburn. The Faculty Salaries and Welfare Committee is looking into this. Also, the issue of SEC (Student Evaluation of Teachers) is not resolved as the Teaching Effectiveness Committee is continuing to work on alternate solutions. Some formatting/editing will be done before posting with Senate agenda for 10/15/19.

Field Trip Guidelines: Information Item
Presenters: Patrick White, Cathy Cooper, Jessica Covington (Risk Management and Safety)
This power point presentation is an overview of newly created guidelines to assist faculty and students in off campus field trips. Included is a description of what is and what is not a field trip and a website with detailed checklists, procedures, information and forms.

ORCID-Connecting Research and Researchers: Information Item
Presenter: Patricia Hartman (Science Librarian)
ORCID: Open Researcher Contributor ID
What: SSN for researchers
Why: is becoming a requirement (for journals, publishers, grant funding); helps avoid name ambiguity issues, credits all different types of work; increases discoverability of work; integrated to many funding agencies
Benefits: institutional impact; saves time with paperwork and administration; accurate affiliations; connection through identity management
For assistance: the library is starting a program to help in getting started

Approval of Agenda for Senate Meeting, 10/15/19: Approved

Chair Billor adjourned the meeting at 4:45pm

Respectfully submitted,
Adrienne Wilson
Secretary-Univeristy Senate