
James K.L. Hammerman
Director, STEM Education Evaluation Center
TERC, Inc.
2067 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140
James K.L. Hammerman, Ed.D., Directs the STEM Education Evaluation Center at TERC, in Cambridge, MA, and leads the external evaluation of the Auburn NRT Climate Resilience project. He has over 35 years’ experience teaching, developing, researching, and evaluating STEM education innovations in both formal (K-graduate school) and informal education settings. Dr. Hammerman has been PI, Co-PI, senior researcher and evaluator on NSF-funded projects focused on math, science, environmental education, computing, and data and statistics learning, including Educating About Statistical Issues in Large Scientific Data Sets, Innovators Developing Accessible Tools for Astronomy (IDATA), the University of Nebraska’s ARISE STEM faculty professional development project, a study of the long term and statewide impacts of the LabVenture environmental education field trip program run by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI), and the Climate Literacy Project in the SouthEastern US (CLiPSE), among others. Jim has an interest in broad and equitable access to educational innovations, systemic and institutional change for empowerment, and inquiry oriented data analysis and exploration software that allow deep sense-making about data and their meaning.