
Di Tian, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Crop, Soil, and Evenvironmental Sciences &
Cluster of Climate, Human and Earth System Sciences
226 Funchess Hall
Di Tian’s expertise is in hydrology, climatology, and numerical modeling and data analytics with applications in environmental and agricultural sustainability. His current research emphases on 1) improving agro- and hydro-climate modeling, monitoring, and forecasting across scales, 2) harnessing geospatial and temporal big data from emerging earth systems observations and predictions for planning and decision making, and 3) analyzing impacts of hydroclimate variability and change and associated hazards on agriculture, food and water security, and ecosystem and environmental health. Prior to Auburn, he did his postdoctoral study with the Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group at Princeton University. He finished his Ph.D. in Hydrologic Sciences in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida. Since year 2016, he has been serving as principal or co-principal investigators of more than $7-million in research funding from competitive programs.