30 Life Science Bldg.
(334) 844-1646
ROLAND R. DUTE, Professor; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1976. Plant cell
ultrastructure; wood anatomy; diatom ecology.
ne area of research in my laboratory involves wood anatomy,
and we have a continuing project involving the structure, development,
chemical composition and function of pit membranes. Pit membranes represent
low resistance pathways between water-conducting cells, and as such are of
crucial importance to the proper functioning of wood. We are particularly
interested in the so-called torus-bearing pit membranes found in certain
hardwoods and in the fern genus Botrychium. The torus is a
thickening on the pit membrane that serves to prevent membrane rupture and
the subsequent passage of gas embolisms.

A second area
of research involves diatoms, their structure and ecology. Diatoms are
ubiquitous algae whose siliceous coverings contain various markings that aid
in their identification. Diatoms have proven to be good indicators of
aquatic environmental conditions, and we are at present studying species
distribution in an inland hypersaline environment. In contrast, we recently
completed a study of diatom populations in an acidic freshwater ecosystem
containing a low concentration of mineral salts.

A final area of interest is biology
education for the visually impaired. We have completed a series of
animal and plant laboratory exercises in Braille and are presently seeking a
Recent Publications:
1) Wood Anatomy
Morrow, A. C. and R. R. Dute.
2002. Crystals associated with the intertracheid pit membrane of the
woody fern Botrychium multifidum. American Fern Journal 92:
Dute, R. R., M. E. Miller, M. A.
Davis, F. M. Woods, and K. S. McLean. 2002. Effects of ambrosia beetle
attack on Cercis canadensis. International Association of Wood
Anatomists (IAWA) Journal 23: 143-160.
Dute, R. R., M. E. Miller, and R. R.
Carollo. 2001. Intervascular pit structure in selected species of
Thymelaeaceae. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 72: 14-26.
Morrow, A. C. and R. R. Dute.
1999. Electron microscopic investigation of the coating found on torus-bearing
pit membranes of Botrychium dissectum the common grape fern.
IAWA Journal 20: 359-373.
Dute, R. R., K. M. Duncan, and B.
Duke. 1999. Tyloses in abscission scars of loblolly pine. IAWA
Journal 20: 67-74.
2) Diatoms
Dute, R. R., M. J. Sullivan, and L. E.
Shunnarah. 2000. The diatom assemblage of Ophrydium colonies from
South Alabama. Diatom Research 15: 31-42.
Estes, A. and R. Dute.1994. Valve
abnormalities in diatom clones maintained in long-term culture. Diatom
Research 9: 249-258.
3) Other
Dute R. R., S. L. Lanier, B. McKinnell,
B. M. Whitman, M. D. Haynes, C. Moynihan, and T. D. Donald. In Press.
Biology laboratory exercises for the visually impaired. Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Science.
Timmerman-Erskine, M., R. R. Dute, and
R. S. Boyd. 2002. The Trillium pusillum Michaux complex (Trilliaceae):
Analysis of pollen and leaf epidermal micromorphology. Journal of the
Torrey Botanical Society 129: 175-186.
Timmerman-Erskine, M., R. R. Dute, and
R. S. Boyd. 2002. Morphometric analysis of the Trillium pusillum
Michaux complex (Trilliaceae) of the Southeastern United States. Castanea
67: 109-119.
Schultz, H. C., G. J. Keever, J. R.
Kessler, Jr., and R. R. Dute. 2001 BA does not reduce detrimental effects
of high nighttime temperature on offset formation in Hosta.
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 19: 29-32.
Watkins, J. E. Jr., A. Diamond, and R.
R. Dute. 2000. Distribution and new county records of the fern,
Botrychium lunarioides (Michaux) Sw. in Alabama. Castanea 65: 64-68.