COSAM » COSAM Faculty » Geosciences » Jamie Worms

Jamie Worms

Research Areas: The production of social spaces, favelas in Brazil, geographical representations of Latin America on social media

Office: 2046K Haley Center

2050 Beard Eaves Coliseum
Auburn, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-3414
Fax: (334) 844-4486


Ph.D., Geography & Anthropology, Louisiana State University
M.A., Geography, George Washington University
B.S., Geography, University of Maryland

Professional Employment

Lecturer, Auburn University
2019 - Present
Visiting Lecturer in Latin American Cultural Geography, Smith College
2017 - 2019
Visiting Faculty Lecturer in Geography, Georgia State University
2015 - 2017

Research and Teaching Interests

I am a trained cultural and physical geographer with a strong background in urban development and Latin American geography. Since 2004, I have studied, volunteered, and worked with various geographically and thematically distinct NGOs in over twenty-five different favela communities in Rio de Janeiro. I am interested in the approaches and consequences to favela integration in Brazil, the production of social and virtual spaces, as well as the representations of the underrepresented on social media.

Selected Publications

  1. Worms, Jamie L. and Sluyter, Andrew. (2018). Conceived Versus Lived Social Spaces and the Transformation of the Morro da Providência Favela of Rio de Janeiro Since 2008. The Latin Americanist, 62(4): 545-544.
  2. Worms, Jamie L. (2017). Review of The Spectacular Favela: Violence in Modern Brazil, by Erika Robb Larkins. The AAG Review of Books, 5(1): 13-16.

Last updated: 10/21/2019