Tuesday, March 26, 2024

COSAM unveils proposed Centers and Institutes in Development

COSAM unveils proposed Centers and Institutes in Development

On Monday, March 11, COSAM held an event to announce the Centers and Institutes in Development (CIDs) at the Auburn University Alumni Center.


“I cannot tell you how absolutely excited to see this many COSAM faculty here today,” said Edward E. Thomas, Jr., dean of the college. “These new endeavors will help connect faculty in our college and with other colleges at Auburn to seamlessly collaborate on bigger and bolder research projects.”


The alumni center was packed with faculty from all of COSAM’s five departments.


“Today, we are here to learn more about these proposed centers and institutes and help them achieve their mission towards world-class research at Auburn University,” said Mark Liles, associate dean for research and graduate studies. “Next, you will get to hear from each proposed center leader and learn more about how they plan to turn their vision into reality.”

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Statistics student crunches the numbers to improve access to rural health care

Statistics student crunches the numbers to improve access to rural health care

Growing up in tiny Helicon, Alabama, Auburn graduate student Miranda Daniels knew a trip to the doctor meant a long car ride. Over the years she has only seen a decline in the availability of health care providers, especially maternal care, close to her hometown.


“A lot of doctors stay and practice until, bless their hearts, they’re 70 years old,” she said. “When they retire, you’re not really seeing new doctors fill those voids. So, you’re going to have at least a 45-minute drive to Baptist South in Montgomery.”


Daniels, who is working toward a doctorate in mathematics with a concentration in statistics, is an experienced public health professional. As one of the university’s first Rural Health Fellows, she is currently completing a project at the Chambers County Community Health & Wellness Center aimed at improving health outcomes in LaFayette, Alabama.

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John F. Hartwig from UC Berkeley will present the Kosolapoff Award Lecture on March 27

John F. Hartwig from UC Berkeley will present the Kosolapoff Award Lecture on March 27

Join us for this year’s Kosolapoff Award Lecture, Catalyzing Chemical Synthesis, featuring John F. Hartwig, University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday, March 27 at 8 p.m. in the Science Center Auditorium.


Hartwig, a professor of chemistry and the Henry Rapoport Chair in Organic Chemistry, focuses on “the discovery and understanding of new reactions of organic compounds catalyzed by transition metal complexes and artificial metalloenzymes.”

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