Department of Industrial Design Auburn University |
AU/IND Newsletter Winter Quarter 1999 |
Welcome to the AU/IND Newsletter We would enjoy hearing from you with comments and suggestions. Contact us at (334) 844-2364 or E-mail: Clark Lundell, Professor and Head. Industrial Design Faculty, Staff and StudentsThe College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) will be hosting a reception and presentation for parents, alumni and friends as part of the campus wide A-Day activites, Saturday 24 April. Parents and others interested in discussing AU/IND are encouraged to attend. The college will be mailing out specifics in March.Professor Clark Lundell has been reappointed to a three year term on the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) Accreditation Commission. At the Fall 1998 CADC Faculty Awards Banquet Clark received a Dean's Award for Leadership and was also presented a Certificate of Gratitude at the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) meeting in Los Angeles for his work with IDSA's Education Committee. Professor Bret Smith received a CADC Award for Leadership in Professional Practice for his work with the IDSA. Bret's Fall quarter third year studio collaborated with NASA's Ken Smith (AU/IND '68) in the development of a Payload Equipment Restraint System (PERS). Bret has been working with Graduate Assistant Elizabeth Woods, in the development of his multi-media course and has presented a proposal for an astronaut training multimedia CD for NASA. Bret also presented the paper "Neat, Plausible and Wrong" at the 4th International Congress on Behaviorism and Behavioral Science meeting in Seville, Spain. Professor Tin Man Lau, directed his fourth year studio in the 5th annual industry collaboration with Brother International and developed a CD for presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show '99 in Las Vegas. Professor Lau, and students Jamie Lamar, Robert Peerson, Henry Cotter, Steve Kramer and Ben Morris attended the show as guests of Brother's Senior V. P. Roger Nakagawa. All of the studio project models and boards were on display. Graduate student Shu-Wen Tzeng has been working with Tin Man as a Teaching Assistant. Associate Professor Laura Prange is developing a sculpture installation for the University of Kentucky, Lexington Campus Art Gallery. The sculpture will be on exhibit from 8 February through 1 March and is entitled "StillPoint". Laura is scheduled to take sabbatical leave and work at the |
National Ornamental Metals Museum in Memphis, TN during Spring Quarter where she will be collaborating on a number of metalwork and welding projects. Laura is providing an assistantship position to IND graduate student Sulfikar Amir, a Fulbright Scholar developing a design management strategy for Indonesia. Associate Professor Rich Britnell's senior design studio worked with Sonics, Inc of Birmingham, AL to develop concepts for home based surround sound consumer products. Sonics develops and maintains surround sound technology for IMAX theaters world-wide. Rich received a CADC Award for Leadership in Research for work accomplished through industry collaborations with Hitachi, Load King, Stayer University, NASA and others. Brad Knox has been working as Rich's Graduate Assistant this past year. Associate Professor Randall Bartlett has recently been elected to the IDSA Education Committee as the Southern District representative. Randy also is serving as the department's representative to the AU Faculty Senate. His third year studio, in conjunction with Bret Smith's, collaborated with NASA in the development of a PERS. The final mock- ups where presented in the penthouse conference room of Marshall Spaceflight Center's Headquarters building. Darwin Keith-Lucas has been working as Randy's Graduate Assistant this past year. Assistant Professor Brenda Peters received a CADC Award for Leadership in Outreach for work accomplished with: high schools in West Alabama, Girls Inc. of Birmingham, AU/IND's Summer Design Workshop and numerous schools in the local Auburn community. Brenda also presented a paper entitled "Germinating Form Through Individuality" at the National IDSA Education Conference in Long Beach, CA. The department is hosting Visiting Scholar Dashen Liu from Shenzhen Polytechnic University, PRC. Professor Liu will spend the year with us participating in classes and observing our program's operation. IDSA Student Chapter officers: Daniel Hunter, Jerrod Allen, Katie McCleary and Jerrod Windom managed a well attended 20th Annual Design Interaction this past Fall. This past November CADC Dean Tom Regan became Dean of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University. We will miss his friendship and council. Associate Dean D.K. Ruth is serving as Interim Dean and will be assisting the college in crossing the threshold into the new millennium. |
![]() Pictured from left to right: Tin Man Lau, Steve Kramer, Ben Morris, Jamie Lamar, henry Cotter, Robert Peerson, Darren Post and Roger Nakagawa (Brother) |