�� Auburn University Study Abroad -- Taiwan Program 2005 -- Photo Album

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Shu-Te University

Who are going?

Travel and arrival

First day

NCKU International Conference on Planning and Design

First day of the Design Studio Class

Opening Ceremony and Reception

Pottery painting and class

Visit of Taipei -- the Capital of Taiwan

Metal / Jewlery design class

Glass design class

Visit factories and sight-seeing

Visit of Maolin

First Presentation of the Design Studio

Chinese Painting class

Fortune Institute of Technology & Meilung

Kao Hsiung Science Museum

Sketches and models from design studio

Baseball game

Visit NDD design firm and Dragon Boat race

Hong Kong

Scale models

Pre-final models

Glass class

Metal Class

Visit TK Design

Visit Delta Design and Tunghai University

July 4th BBQ

Closing Ceremony

Leaving Taiwan

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Last modified: Wednesday, 10-May-2006 10:49:08 CDT