Auburn University Bands » Ensembles
Symphonic Winds
The Symphonic Winds, conducted by Dr. Rick Good, is the premier performing ensemble of the Auburn University Bands. A select group of 70 players, the Symphonic Winds perform a broad and diverse repertoire of standard and contemporary band literature along with occasional transcriptions. Go to Page »
Auburn University Marching Band
For over a century, the Auburn University Marching Band has captivated audiences across the nation with spectacular performances. Whether marching before the home crowd or away, the AUMB has attained a position of national distinction and a reputation for excellence second to none. The band is under the direction of Dr. Corey Spurlin. Band members are chosen by audition, and represent virtually every school and curriculum on the Auburn campus. Go to Page »
Concert Band
The Concert Band, conducted by Dr. Corey Spurlin, is the second performing concert ensemble of the Auburn University Bands. The group is open by audition to any Auburn student with high school band experience. Go to Page »
Basketball Pep Band
The Basketball Pep Band, directed by Dr. Corey Spurlin, is a select group of brass and percussion players that perform at all men’s and women’s home basketball games, as well as NCAA and SEC tournaments. Members are chosen by audition each October from the marching band membership. Go to Page »
Campus Band
The Campus Band is conducted by the band staff and is open to any Auburn University student with high school band experience. No audition is required to participate in this ensemble. The Campus Band meets in the Spring semester only, and one hour of academic credit is awarded for participation. Go to Page »
Jazz Band
The Jazz Band’s membership is open by audition to all Auburn students with high school band experience. The jazz band performs concerts each semester, rehearsing two times per week. Go to Page »
Last Updated: 01/19/2024