Common Data Set

J. Degrees Conferred - 2002

Degrees conferred between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002

For each of the following discipline areas, provide the percentage of diplomas/certificates, associate, and bachelor's degrees awarded.

Category Diploma/
Associate Bachelor's CIP 1990
to Include
Agriculture 4.96% 1 and 2
Architecture 3.66% 4
Area and ethnic studies 5
Biological/life sciences 3.76% 26
Business/marketing 26.02% 8 and 52
Communications/communication technologies 3.29% 9 and 10
Computer and information sciences 0.87% 11
Education 10.24% 13
Engineering/engineering technologies 15.48% 14 and 15
English 2.91% 23
Foreign languages and literature 0.83% 16
 Health professions and related sciences 4.69% 51
Home economics and vocational sciences 4.69% 19 and 20
Interdisciplinary studies 30
Law/legal studies 22
Liberal arts/general studies 24
Library science 25
Mathematics 0.46% 27
Military science and technologies 28 and 29
Natural resources/environmental science 2.14% 3
Parks and recreation 0.03% 31
Personal and miscellaneous services 12
Philosophy, religion, theology 0.30% 38 and 39
Physical sciences 0.56% 40 and 41
Protective services/public administration 0.77% 43 and 44
Psychology 3.87% 42
Social sciences and history 6.13% 45
Trade and industry 46, 47, 48, and 49
Visual and performing arts 3.98% 50
TOTAL (should = 100%) 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%
Last updated: 12/10/2021