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        Harbert Inspires

        Opportunity, Community, Exploration, Innovation

        The Harbert College of Business is the place to be. 

        Quick Facts

        Experience beyond the classroom.

        Immerse yourself in an international business culture, participate in business competitions, and develop lasting business relationships by joining a club or organization. At the Harbert College of Business you’ll engage in high-impact experiential learning opportunities in and out of the classroom!

        Students Students’ classroom project helping state meet HR needsStudents Accounting senior’s lasting impact on AuburnStudents FarmHub wins annual Halloween Business Idea Pitch Competition

        Welcome to Harbert!

        Get to know Harbert College of Business by visiting our campus and attending orientation once you are enrolled!

        Our graduates are ready for any challenge.

        We prepare you for the world of business and give you the tools to succeed.

        Career Development Recruit & Partner

        Take your next step.