STEM Summer Bridge Program

STEM Summer Bridge Program

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Program Date:

      June 1, 2025 - June 27, 2025

Application Due: 

       April 25, 2025

Program Description:

In 1997, the College of Sciences and Mathematics established the STEM Summer Bridge Program to assist students who are historically excluded from STEM fields with academic and social support to excel within the rigorous COSAM curriculum. This 4-week program for highly motivated students will emphasize academic preparedness, the development and enhancement of study and time management skills, and building meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, and fellow students. Participants are responsible for transportation to and from Auburn University. In particular, the STEM Summer Bridge Program provides an opportunity for participants to: 
  • Enhance their science and math skills 
  • Develop/improve critical and analytical thinking skills
  • Engage in professional development and career awareness activities
  • Network with COSAM faculty, staff, and students as well as campus partners


When I first joined Summer Bridge, I was nervous about my freshman year and the challenges ahead. However, this program quickly turned those nerves into excitement and confidence. One of the most memorable moments for me was the Butter and Egg experience, specifically the zip-lining. At this place, we all learned teamwork with one another, but more importantly it taught me how certain people in your environment can help push you past a hurdle. Naturally, I was afraid of zip-lining, but I had people I knew for less than a week reassuring me that I could do something they had never seen me do. Summer Bridge provided a community I never knew I needed. This experience allowed me to be around like-minded individuals, all working to achieve similar goals. It showed me that true success at Auburn is within reach for students like myself. Additionally, because of this programs dedication to student success, I was introduced to professors and students who gave me advice and encouragement on the things I am about to embark on. Through this program, I became more confident in reviewing subjects that are often seen as difficult, for example chemistry and math. The extra practice and questions helped me grasp topics I previously struggled with. Genuinely, my favorite part of Summer Bridge was honestly the people. Within these four weeks, I was able to gain meaningful friendships that I believe will help me not only grow but also succeed in the future, essentially creating my “Auburn family” months in advance. I say family because that is what we are. We walked, ate, and learned together every single day. To say this program’s ending is bittersweet would be an understatement. I would like to thank everyone who made this experience possible, especially the counselors and program coordinators, and wish nothing but success for my fellow peers. Looking ahead, I am excited to apply the knowledge and resilience I’ve developed through this program to my freshman year, along with the new community I now have and cherish said '24 STEM Summer Bridge alumna Kayla Thomas.


I can't believe it has been a month since I left the comfort of my hometown, and I would have never imagined that my life would truly be changed because of it. In the matter of four weeks, l've been able to have had unique opportunities and establish connections and friendships of a lifetime. I want to thank Dr. Mulligan, Ms. Marina, Edward, the interns (who we had the pleasure of having as counselors), and everyone involved for your tireless efforts and support. This month has shown me that I am capable of doing well in college, but more importantly, how special Auburn truly is! To my 2024 Summer Bridge cohort, thank you! My pastor has a saying that "people don't always have to be nice and when they are, they don't have to be nice to you." Although we joked around most of the time, I will always cherish the love and support we have for each other and the relatable conversations we've been able to share. We've laughed together, danced together, and celebrated one another, and there is no other group of people I would have want to have spent this month with. You all made the hard times easier and the good times even better. Each of you are destined for success and inspire me to be better each day. Throughout the program, we were constantly told that we would be each other's community. However, I truly believe that we have grown closer than that and I am glad to now call you all my second family, my Auburn family. With that being said, I'm so thankful for this experience and I can't wait to make more memories this fall! War Eagle! said '24 STEM Summer Bridge alumna Lorin McElrath.



Requirements for student participation:
  • Any member of a historically excluded group in STEM including but not limited to: BIPOC students, students from rural areas, first generation students, and women
  • Incoming first-year students accepted to the Auburn University College of Sciences and Mathematics 
  • Application must be submitted by April 22, 2024
Applications are now available! Click here
Application must include:
  • High school transcript
  • 750-word personal narrative
  • Two letters of recommendation from academic, community, or professional recommenders


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Please feel free to contact us anytime. We are here to help! 

Summer Bridge Program Staff:

Marina Martin, Program Coordinator, 

Janice Brown, Administrative Support, 

Dr. Kimberly Mulligan, Senior Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Programs,