
Colloquium: Professor Herbert Levine presents “Using physics to decipher living systems; the case of directed cell motility”

Time: Apr 25, 2014 (03:00 PM)
Location: 115 Sciences Center Classroom Building


The Auburn University Departments of Physics and Biological Sciences will host a distinguished colloquium speaker, Herbert Levine, Hasselmann Professor of bioengineering and director for the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at Rice University, on Friday, April 25. Levine is a member of the National Academy of Sciences who specializes in the physics of cancer and the physics of living systems. His talk is titled, “Using physics to decipher living systems; the case of directed cell motility,” and will be held at 3 p.m. in 115 Sciences Center Classrooms Building, with refreshments being served beginning at 2:45 p.m.

According to Levine, directed cell motility is a process whereby the motility machinery of the cell, involving the interaction of specialized biopolymer networks, is organized spatially to cause motion in a preferred direction. In the single-celled dictyostelium amoeba, this occurs as the cell responds to chemical gradients. Levine’s lecture will focus on understanding how physics can help decipher the mechanisms underlying the capability of eukaryotic cells. In particular, he will show how statistical physics, nonlinear processes and polymer mechanics provide concepts and techniques for working towards a quantitative understanding of this critical cellular function.

For more information on Levine, visit his website.