COSAM News Articles 2019 November Message from Dean Giordano – November 2019

Message from Dean Giordano – November 2019

Published: 11/05/2019

By: Dean Giordano

This week, a second round of Table Talks led by joyce gossom will take place. I appreciate all of the faculty, staff, and graduate students that signed up for this opportunity to connect and share information.

Since we have begun working with joyce gossom, we have worked on a series of programs and initiatives with the goal of improving our college including: 


  • Providing a dedicated room for nursing mothers.
  • Offering two-way communication through town hall meetings on a regular basis.
  • Assessing the COSAM Leadership Team so that department chairs, associate deans and unit heads have a chance to be given feedback from both their supervisor and employees.
  • Improving the way our young faculty effectively mentor of graduate students.
  • Creating a team of trained faculty, staff, and graduate students that act as advocates as COSAM Champions.
  • Developing a new COSAM onboarding program for new staff and faculty.
  • Sharing information through a new COSAM HR newsletter.
  • Expanding the Lilly-Lovelace award to recognize more of our employees for their dedication and service.
  • Offering an anonymous suggestion box for anyone who would like to provide feedback or comments.


We are always trying to improve our college and we will continue to strive to make COSAM even better.  And we appreciate your help in making this happen. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you for all that you do for COSAM.

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