Submission Requirements
A brief (75-100 word) abstract should be included.
- Must be stylistically consistent and grammatically correct. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the required style of writing.
- Text should range from 1500 words minimum and not exceed 4500 words.
- Contributors should submit their manuscript in electronic form, as an attached document by e-mail or on a computer disk.
- A short biographical note of the author(s) is required including full name, appointment, name of organization, and address.
- MS Word format should be used.
- Left-justify and do not use tabs or indents.
- Do not include page breaks or page numbers.
- Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman and a font size of 12 is preferred.
- All graphics should be embedded in the file where they are to appear using jpeg, gif, tiff, or png.
- Graphics should not exceed an overall measurement of 4 1/2 X 6 3/4.
- References should be in alphabetical order (unnumbered).
- A maximum of 40 references is recommended.
- All papers received will be submitted to peer review.