Luyu Liu
Department of Geosciences
Assistant Professor

Research Areas: Sustainable transportation, geospatial data science, public transit, mobility equity, disruptions and mobility resilience.

Office: 2046J Haley Center



Ph.D in Geography, The Ohio State University
Gradudate Certificate in College and University Teaching, The Ohio State University
M.A. in Geography, The Ohio State University
B.S. in Environmental Science, Peking University
B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Peking University

Professional Employment
Assistant Professor, Auburn University
2024 - Present
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Florida
2023 - 2024

Research and Teaching Interests

I am a geospatial data scientist focusing on sustainable transportation. My research goals are to promote sustainable and resilient mobility from a social equity perspective. Empirically, my interests are transport geography, primarily in public transport and mobility equity. The core of my research questions is to mitigate and overcome car dependency in cities and to promote sustainability, accessibility, and social equity. Methodologically, I use GIScience, urban computing technologies, and space-time analytics from a data-driven perspective.

I am leading the EcoTran Lab at Auburn with a focus on transdisciplinary research of transportation geography & planning, transit system engineering, and emerging computing technologies. I am actively recruiting PhD, Master’s, and Postdoctoral Researchers. Please feel free to contact me via email with your CV and a 1-page cover letter if you are interested!

Selected Publications

  1. Ahmed, N., Lee, J., Liu, L., Kim, J., Jang, K. M., & Wang, J. (2024). The cost of climate change: A generalized cost function approach for incorporating extreme weather exposure into public transit accessibility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 112, 102145.
  2. Liu, L., Lee, J., & Miller, H. J. (2024) Evaluating accessibility benefits and ridership of bike-transit integration through a social equity lens. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 112, 102150.
  3. Javanmard, R., Lee, J., Kim, J, Liu, L., and Diab, E. (2023). The impacts of the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) on social equity analysis of public transit reliability. Journal of Transport Geography, 106, 103500.
  4. Liu, L., Porr, A., & Miller, H. J. (2023). Realizable accessibility: evaluating the reliability of public transit accessibility using high-resolution real-time data. Journal of Geographical Systems, 25(3), 429-451.
  5. Liu, L., Miller, H. J., & Scheff, J. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on public transit demand in the United States. Plos one, 15(11), e0242476

Last updated: 09/13/2024