Propose new courses, programs, certificates, or minors


Academic units can propose new courses, programs, certificates, or minors. They can also propose new elements to existing programs (e.g., new options). The table below provides links to instructions for different types of curricular additions. It also shows the general approvals required and an approximate timeline. Once proposals are submitted, progress through the approval process can be monitored.

Approvals Required for New Courses/Programs

Column one has the status and type of request, other columns show if they are required or not.


Internal Approvals *

Board of Trustees

Alabama Commission On Higher Education

Approximate Time **

New Courses / Programs


no yes no no

~2-3 months

Degree Program

yes yes yes yes

~10-18 months


yes yes yes yes

~6-9 months


no yes no no

~2-3 months

Additions to Existing Programs

Online version of existing degree program

no yes no yes

~4-6 months

Formal option in existing degree program

yes yes yes yes

~6-9 months

Thesis / Non-Thesis option in existing master program

no yes yes yes

~6-9 months

Accelerated Bachelor/Master Program

no yes no no

~2-3 months

* All proposals must be approved by departmental, college, and university committees, as well as the Provost.

** The time to create a new course/program is dependent on several factors (e.g., timing of submission, efficiency of college approval process, external meeting schedules). The listed times are rough approximations.

Last updated: June 25, 2024