Create Accelerated Bachelor / Master Program


An Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Plan (ABM) allows Auburn students in some academic programs to count up to nine approved credit hours (in a 30-35-hour master’s program) or 12 approved hours (in a 36-hour or greater master’s program) toward both a bachelor’s and a master’s degrees. These hours must be at the graduate level. It typically takes 2-3 months to create a new ABM.

Before you Begin

Familiarize yourself with the university’s ABM policy.

Process Details

To create a new ABM the originating academic unit should:

  1. Submit the ABM form

    Submit the proposed ABM using this form for review and approval by appropriate unit, college and university committees.

    University committees (graduate and undergraduate) meet once a month and usually review all proposals received by the first of that month. The undergraduate committee does not meet in the summer months.

Process Completion

After approvals, the Graduate School will track the new ABM. The ABM will appear in the next Bulletin if it is approved by May 1st. Questions about process completion should be sent to

Last updated: June 25, 2024